Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization Operations Plan
Administration and Finance Committee
Brian Kane, Chair
Tegin Teich
MPO Executive Director
Gina Perille
MPO Deputy Executive Director
Prepared by the MPO Activities Group
The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including limited English proficiency). Related federal and state nondiscrimination laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of age, sex, disability, and additional protected characteristics. The MPO is committed to nondiscrimination in all activities.
A complaint form and additional information can be obtained by contacting the MPO or at
To request this information in a different language or in an accessible format, please contact
Title VI Specialist
Boston Region MPO
10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150
Boston, MA 02116
By Telephone:
857.702.3700 (voice)
For people with hearing or speaking difficulties, connect through the state MassRelay service:
● Relay Using TTY or Hearing Carry-over: 800.439.2370
● Relay Using Voice Carry-over: 866.887.6619
● Relay Using Text to Speech: 866.645.9870
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Section 2—Boston Region MPO Board Officers 8
Section 3—Board Member Responsibilities 11
Section 4—Standing and Ad Hoc Committees 16
Section 5—Regional Transportation Advisory Council 20
Section 7—MPO Executive Director Hiring Process, Evaluation, and Compensation 26
Section 8—Agency Information Sharing 32
Section 9—Maintenance of Operations Plan 35
This Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) operations plan is a supplement to the MPO’s Memorandum of Understanding, last approved in 2011. The 2011 Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Comprehensive, Continuing, and Cooperative Transportation Planning Process in the Boston Metropolitan Area[1] required the Boston Region MPO to create an operations plan to address administration and finance, programming, policy, and technical products. The MPO’s Administration and Finance (A&F) Committee, chaired by Brian Kane of the MBTA Advisory Board, worked with MPO staff to develop this operations plan. The operations plan was approved by the MPO board in June, 2023.
The process for electing the Boston Region MPO’s municipal board members, described below, is overseen by Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) and the MBTA Advisory Board according to the 2011 MOU for the Boston Region MPO. At the MAPC Fall Council meeting held each year in late October, the results of elections shall be announced for four (4) of the twelve (12) elected municipal seats.
MAPC and the MBTA Advisory Board shall provide an appropriate opportunity for the electorate to meet representatives of candidate communities in the month of October, after nominations are submitted. This may be accomplished by holding a virtual Candidates Forum.
The MOU states: “The Chair of the Boston Region MPO shall be the Secretary of MassDOT or the Secretary’s designee. The Vice-chair shall be a municipal representative or an official of one of the two regional agencies (MAPC or MBTA Advisory Board) and shall be elected to a one-year term by the MPO members by majority vote. This election shall take place at the first meeting after the election of Boston Region MPO elected municipal representatives.”
Each year, the MPO shall hold an Annual Meeting, typically in November. The Annual Meeting shall come after the completion of the MPO elections (typically held at the end of October) and within 30 days of the new members’ term (typically beginning November 1), either in concurrence with or in addition to an existing board meeting. At that meeting:
Other officers can be designated by majority vote of the Boston Region MPO
A. There are 12 municipal elected members of the Boston Region MPO which include two at-large cities, two at-large towns, and eight subregions. Members are elected to three-year terms.
B. Each fall, four (4) of the 12 elected municipal members are voted on by chief executive officers of municipalities in the region for three-year terms.
In the following sections, “board member” also refers to designees and alternates when serving in place of designees.
If contacted by the press about the MPO or its
activities, MPO board members should notify MPO staff by forwarding the request
to news@ctps.orgWhen contacted by the
press about Boston Region MPO activities or products, board members should
respond with: “Thank you for your interest in the Boston Region Metropolitan
Planning Organization. All press inquiries are handled by the agency’s
communications and public engagement staff. Please contact them at” They should cc on the response. If press requests
are received by phone, the board member should summarize the message, the date
received, and the reporters’ contact information, and send the summary to[3]
A. Board meetings are generally held on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 10 AM
B. Board meetings are conducted generally in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, except to the extent the board acting as a body suspends application of such Rules.
C. Staff and board members shall strive to offer multiple forums for board meetings throughout the year, potentially including up to quarterly meetings held in different locations throughout the region, virtual meetings (if allowed by law), and in person meetings. If allowed by law, virtual meetings may replace any required meetings in other locations in the region.
D. Meeting minutes are presented according to Massachusetts Open Meeting Law requirements: within three (3) meetings or thirty (30) days, whichever is later
E. Staff shall strive to post audio and video recordings to the Boston Region MPO website as soon as possible after a meeting
1. Staff shall strive to post meeting agendas and materials one week in advance of a scheduled meeting. At a minimum, the agenda shall be posted 48 hours in advance of a meeting as defined by the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law.
MPO Committees are intended to supplement not supplant the work of the MPO board, which has final decision-making authority over all activities related to the board. Committees are intended to provide assistance, where desired by the board, in informing MPO board deliberations, when that would make board deliberations more informed and efficient.
A quorum is defined as a majority of the total number of members serving on the committee.
1. Coordinating with staff on agenda setting for each meeting
2. Coordinating with staff to ensure that information needed for informed decision making is available for each meeting
3. Facilitating presentations, discussions, and voting generally in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order
Refer to 3.3 Board Member Expectations (I) and (II), with the additional expectations:
Through the recommendation of
the Chair or through a motion and majority vote, the Board may establish ad hoc
committees as needed to address topics that would not be addressed in the
existing committees.
The Regional Transportation Advisory Council provides a forum for members of the public, including representatives of municipal, business, and advocacy interests, to participate in the MPO’s 3C planning process, via:
1. A voting seat on the MPO board;
2. Continuous communication with MPO staff developing programs and projects, including timely opportunities to provide input and participate in decision-making; and
3. Opportunities for discussion about MPO work and regional issues.
The Advisory Council is supported by MPO staff, who facilitate conversations and presentations and provide timely opportunities to engage with the MPO’s planning process and work products. The Advisory Council is also a key stakeholder in the MPO’s Public Engagement Program, collaborating with staff on strategies to support public involvement in the planning process. The Advisory Council maintains bylaws to define its operations.
The following are MPO work products and programs produced and operated by MPO staff that support the continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3C) transportation planning process for the Boston region.
o Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
o Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
o Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
o Congestion Management Process (CMP)
o Air Quality Conformity (AQ)
o Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan)
o Public Engagement Plan (PEP)
o MPO Title VI Report
o Language Assistance Plan (LAP)
o Freight Plan
Prior to bringing a work product to the MPO Board, staff complete a number of quality assurance checks internally before sharing these products with the MassDOT MPO Liaison (or appropriate MassDOT staff) for review and approval before being presented to the MPO Board. Most product reviews are completed by the MPO liaison or specialized MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning (OTP) staff. While three weeks are provided for this review, most products are turned around more quickly. The work products are as follows:
1. At any meeting of the Boston Region MPO or in communication with the Chair or Vice-chair, a member of the Board may request an item to be considered on a future board meeting agenda.
2. At least four to six weeks before a scheduled Board meeting, MPO staff solicit potential agenda items from staff and include them on a running list of potential future agenda items.
3. At least three to four weeks before a scheduled board meeting, MPO staff solicit potential agenda items from the Chair and Vice-chair
4. MPO staff develop a draft list of agenda topics, including:
a) standard items, such as MPO meeting minutes, introductions, Chair’s report, Executive Director’s report, etc.
b) items solicited from staff, the Chair, and Vice-chair, as well as requests heard from board members over that time period.
The time allowed for each of these is set in coordination with the presenters.
1. MPO staff schedule agenda-setting meetings with the Chair or their designee, as well as relevant review staff (currently MassDOT OTP MPO liaison staff) and the Vice-chair or their designee, where agenda items are reviewed and approved, typically 10 days before the MPO meeting.
2. Materials relevant to any agenda items are submitted to MassDOT OTP staff to allow time for them to review materials on behalf of the Chair. This includes work scopes, reports, meeting minutes, etc.
3. Meeting agendas are determined during this meeting, and staff then proceed with internal processes to review and post agendas as decided at the planning meeting.
1. MPO staff shall follow Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, publishing the agenda and other meeting materials online and through email at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. MPO staff shall strive to publish meeting notices and any already available materials one week in advance of the meeting.
II. Presentations
A. Staff shall prepare presentations based on a template. Where materials from individuals or agencies outside of MPO staff are to be incorporated into the staff-produced presentation slides, staff shall request the completed presentation slides be delivered at least 48 hours in advance of the MPO board meeting.
B. Slides for each meeting shall include the following introductory slides to be read by the presiding officer of the meeting:
a. Date of the meeting
b. Notice of Nondiscrimination
c. Participation Guidelines
d. Accessibility Statement
III. Meeting minutes
1. Date of the meeting
2. Notice of Nondiscrimination
3. Participation Guidelines
4. Accessibility Statement
Similar to MPO work scopes and final products the process for agency-funded studies only differs as follows:
Upon the departure, retirement, dismissal, or other nature of exit of the
executive director, the process for recruiting and hiring shall include the
following steps:
The performance of the MPO Executive Director shall be evaluated annually, with an adjustment implemented on the same cycle as the rest of MPO staff, effective the beginning of the State Fiscal Year (July 1).
The range for compensating an Executive Director shall be based on compensation benchmarking updated every three years. Benchmarking may occur through a consultant-led process.
1. A consultant-led market analysis, and
2. Surveying of relevant salaries by staff and board members
Every four years following the federal certification review process, or at the discretion of a majority vote of Board members, the Operations Plan shall be reviewed in full and modified as needed. Revisions to this operations plan may be discussed in committee formats such as the Administration & Finance Committee, but revisions shall be reviewed by the MPO Board and approved with a majority vote.
Month |
General |
TIP-Specific |
October |
● Start of new federal fiscal year (Oct 1) ● MPO seat nominations due by early October ● MAPC and/or MBTA Advisory Board hosts a forum for the electorate to meet representatives of candidate communities (can be virtual) ● MAPC staff send ballots for open MPO seats to chief elected officials (mid-October) ● Ballots are due the day before the MAPC Fall Council Meeting ● New MPO members announced at MAPC Fall Council Meeting (late October) |
● State agencies provide staff with information or present information on project status and outcomes for TIP projects scheduled in the prior FFY ● MPO staff and the MPO Board discuss and decide on the TIP development process for the upcoming TIP in the first quarter of each federal fiscal year ● MPO staff develop and shares with the and MPO Board a TIP Development Memorandum describing the FFY process for developing the TIP, ● The MPO board reviews and if desired begins an update to the TIP selection criteria (Oct–Jan) |
November |
● New MPO members (four municipalities annually) start terms (Nov 1) ● The MPO holds an Annual Meeting, where new members are introduced ● Vice chair nominations occur one meeting before the Vice-chair elections take place, either before or at the Annual Meeting depending on whether the Annual Meeting is held on the first or second meeting of the month. ● Vice-chair shall be elected for a one-year term at the second MPO meeting of the month by majority vote ● The MPO shall review committee slates and appoint committee members. (Ad hoc committees and task forces may be appointed at any time during the year at the discretion of the Chair or through a motion and majority vote) |
● MPO staff presents a project universe for the next year’s TIP to the MPO Board ● MPO staff publishes TIP project-selection criteria, application of the criteria in project evaluations, and the Universe of Projects for the TIP |
December |
● MassDOT cooperatively develops the statewide federal aid and non-federal aid highway funding estimate with MARPA and MPO staff |
● MPO staff post obligated project lists which summarize how projects fared in the previous fiscal year before asking the MPO to vote on the new TIP.
January |
At the annual MARPA meeting: ● MassDOT presents and explains the funding estimate, providing additional information as requested ● MassDOT proposes its priorities for projects with costs that will be subtracted from the federal obligation authority of the state |
February |
● MPO staff present the TIP target funds for the TIP being developed, using the federal and non-federal aid amount and the state match announced at the MARPA meeting ● MPO staff shares MassDOT’s priorities for projects with costs that will be subtracted from the federal obligation authority of the state presented at the annual MARPA meeting. |
March |
● MPO staff and MassDOT staff present TIP project readiness updates to the MPO Board ● MPO Board selects a final programming scenario for the TIP in development. ● State agencies (MassDOT, MBTA, RTAs) provide staff with information or present prioritization process and project information for non-target funded projects to be included in the TIP (late March or early April, before the MPO Board votes on the new TIP) |
April |
● MPO Board and MPO staff review the MOU, which shall be reviewed every year, beginning in April |
● MPO staff produce a draft TIP document to be voted to be released for public review |
May |
● MPO Board or staff circulate the latest MOU document to the municipalities of the MPO |
● MPO Board endorses the TIP |
June |
● Every four years, MPO Board approves the Long-Range Transportation Plan and Coordinated Public Transit–Human Services Transportation Plan |
July |
August |
● The MPO Board adopts an annual UPWP for the region ● MAPC staff sends correspondence inviting nominations for open MPO seats (4 annually), due in late October. |
September |
● End of Federal Fiscal Year on September 30 |
Other Required MPO Documents Not Approved Annually:
While they are not annual documents, and may not fit into this framework, the board must approve the:
● Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) - updated every four years, typically approved by MPO in June.
● Public Engagement Plan (PEP) - updated as needed. Can be approved anytime of the year by the MPO.
● Title VI Program - typically updated every three years or when MassDOT Office of Diversity and Civil Rights (ODCR) requests. Can be approved anytime of the year by the MPO.
● Coordinated Public Transit–Human Services Transportation Plan - updated every four years, typically in conjunction with the LRTP and approved by MPO by the end of that federal fiscal year.
● Congestion Management Process (CMP) - no set time frame to update, updated “periodically”. The last report was updated in 2012.
Agenda setting and minutes:
● At least four to six weeks before a scheduled Board meeting, MPO staff solicit potential agenda items from staff and include them on a running list of potential future agenda items
● MPO staff solicit potential agenda items from the Chair and Vice-chair at least three to four weeks before the meeting
● OTP review of materials to be submitted to board (work scopes, reports, meeting minutes, etc.) complete before the Thursday before the meeting that the materials are relevant for.
● MPO meeting minutes, which must be approved within the next three meetings or 30 days from the date of the meeting, whichever is later
Ongoing Items Throughout the Year:
● Implementing agencies submit project status information and other issues of interest to the Boston Region MPO Chair and MPO staff for coordination and distribution to MPO members
● MPO staff shall annually and as-needed share federal funding assumptions, narrative guidance, and financial program targets to MPO members regarding the primary 3C-planning documents. This information shall include, but is not limited to:
o expected future federal highway funding for Massachusetts
o planned debt repayments
o state matches for remaining federal highway funds
o funding for statewide highway, planning, and pass-through items
o formula for distributing remaining funds to regional planning agencies
o federal discretionary grant opportunities
o financial risk factors, such as inflation
● The MOU states that the MPO shall provide the Regional Transportation Advisory Council with information and analysis in the form of reports, briefings, and discussion concerning their plans, programs, and priorities so that the Advisory Council can carry out its functions in a timely fashion
● The MOU also states that "members shall support the Advisory Council by individually rendering institutional support and also by attending the Advisory Council meetings, as practical.
[1]The 2011 memorandum of understanding is available via
[2] The Communication Norms for the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization are available via [link].
"Right now there is only one section that I think needs to change, which is section 3.3 subsection II on page 12 regarding MPO members interactions with the media. I’m recommending that this section is removed or clarified, because I don’t think the MPO can restrict members interaction with the media on MPO activities or products. I agree that MPO members should not speak as if they are representing the MPO Board, but I think members can speak to the media representing themselves, their organization or municipality, on MPO activities or products. " -Eric Bourassa
If the committee accommodates DOT feedback to remove the quarterly update reference (which would also need to be removed from the MOU), then this phrase would also be removed and letter A removed. Then Letter B can be II and simply reference the MOU requirement to provide a full summary of the prior year before voting on the TIP (again, per the MOU requirement). If further revisions take place, there must be further edits to the MOU.