AACT Executive Board Meeting

September 26, 2012

Acting Interim Chair James White was called to order at 10:00 A.M.


Executive Board Attendees:

Ian Perrault, Jim White, Beverly Ann Rock, and Rick Morin, Mary Ann Murray

Other Attendees:

MBTA Staff:

Frank Oglesby, Jr., Carol Joyce Harrington, Minnie Simmons, Debra West, Mike Lambert


Pam Wolfe

MBTA Vendor - Innovative Paradigms (IP):

Marilyn Cole and Phil McGuire

Acting Interim Chairman - James White

I C White gave the opening of the AACT meeting to the representatives of Innovative Paradigms (IP) the floor so that they would have sufficient time to make their presentation.

Introduction of IP and Staff

•     IP has assigned Marilyn Cole to be Program Manager for THE RIDE Eligibility Center, and also Phil McGuire, Chief Executive Officer, have been assigned to work with the MBTA for the In-person Assessment. IP is a division of Paratransit, Inc. and has been operating paratransit since 1978; also ADA service in Sacramento; ADA eligibility programs, travel training programs, and mobility management programs.


•     IP and its parent company Paratransit, Inc. come with thirty years of experience in assessing client abilities and determining client transportation needs. In addition to its extensive experience with eligibility, IP is an ADA operating agency and has direct interaction with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

They stated the following:

•     THE RIDE eligibility process is based on the regulatory guidelines in the 49 CFR, FTA guidance, Easter Seals Project ACTION, and the National Transit Institute materials. They are then refined to meet the needs of the applicant and the transit system.


•     ADA eligibility is a transportation decision, not a medical decision.


•     Eligibility decisions must be based on the applicant’s functional ability to use fixed route public transit.


•      All assessments will be done in their eligibility center by well-trained Mobility Coordinators (MC) who are experienced in working with individuals with disabilities and with the elderly.


•     MC will administer functional transit skills tests that are specifically designed to measure balance, gait, endurance and other skills necessary to use the MBTA’s public transit system.


•     Applicants are interviewed for 90 minutes privately in a one-on-one setting and may be accompanied by family or other supporters.


•     Applicants may walk-in for an interview or schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are seen after all scheduled applicants.


•     Applicants are transported free to the center. The location of the center is still being negotiated. Mr. McGuire stated that only a few details remain before the centers location can be announced.


•     During the interview the applicant will review his or her profile for accuracy and sign any necessary documents for the health care provider.


•     Applicants in many cases do not need medical verification due to transit skill ability.


•     Applicants who receive letters of determination of “conditional, temporary” or “not eligible” will receive instructions and forms for appealing the decision.


•     A new service was announced – A 30-day Medical Necessity service available when requested by your doctor, hospital, dialysis, or cancer centers, or rehabilitation facilities.


•     Applicants from group homes or rehabilitation centers can be transported into THE RIDE Eligibility Center on the same day as a group for individual interviews.

They took questions:

J. White asked if the medical limitations would be part of the diagnostic process.

M. Cole stated that a person’s disability is never questioned. The applicant is observed as to how the disability affects their ability to get on and off fixed route service.

R. Morin asked, whether the paper application process developed by the MBTA would continue.

M. Cole only for a short time. When the eligibility office opens for business, applicants can call for an appointment.

M.A. Murray asked where the applicant’s doctor comes into this new process.

M. Cole stated that the applicant can bring the documentation or he or she can sign a release form for Mobility Coordinator (MC) to request that information. She also stated that hidden disabilities require documentation from the health care provider.

R. Morin asked if applicant interviews were recorded.

M. Cole answered that they are not recorded.

P. McGuire stated that interviews are held privately in offices.

B.A. Rock inquired if there will be enough MC staff available to accommodate a group. She also wanted to know if IP would consider going to group facilities to accommodate applicants.

M. Cole stated that they block out the group time and have enough MS staff to accommodate the group.

P. McGuire stated that that going to a group facility to accommodate applicants is not possible due to the structure of the assessment.


M. A. Murray asked if they considered sending staff to facilities with large groups of applicants.

M. Cole stated not at this time.

IC White thanked Ms. Cole and Mr. McGuire for their presentation.

AACT Board Meeting Continued

New Business

•     Letter to AGM for SWA to speak at the October Meeting.


•      Letter to the new MBTA General Manager to speak at an AACT meeting.


•     Discussion of MBTA penalties assessed to vendors (item tabled).


•     Check on date of next AACT Elections.


•     Check on number of THE RIDE drivers fired by each vendor.


•     Finding a way to let consumers know they may qualify for paratransit if they cannot get to the train or bus stop.

Old Business

•     Executive Board Members signed a statement of receipt of the Massachusetts General Laws material regarding the open meeting laws R.


•     Review AACT Bylaws.


•     Concerned about the roundtable meeting date.


•     Send MBTA meeting calendar to each Board member.


•     Members B. A. Rock, R. Morin, J. White, and M.A. Murray signed and returned receipts to Pam Wolfe.  I. Perrault will be given digital recordings of the law and will return a signed receipt at the October meeting.

•     Members will have a separate meeting to discuss bylaws.                    


The meeting end at 12:05 PM.


Executive Board Meeting will meet on the second Wednesday, November 14, 2012 in Conference Rooms 2 and 3.