Draft Memorandum for the Record

Regional Transportation Advisory Council Meeting

September 12, 2012 Meeting

3:00 PM, State Transportation Building, Conference Room 4, 10 Park Plaza, Boston

Meeting Summary

1.    Introductions  

Steve Olanoff, Chair (Westwood) called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM. Members and guests attending the meeting introduced themselves. (For attendance list, see page 5)

2.    Chair’s Report—Steve Olanoff, Chair

 MPO action in August involved end of the year adjustments with an amendment to the 2012-2016 TIP. The MPO staff presented a review of the recently completed Household Survey.

Vice Chair, M. Tibbits, reported on the Sept. 6 MPO meeting which included the addition of the 3rd amendment of the TIP; review of several work scopes, including a bicycle network evaluation, a freight study and an I-93 North HOV lane monitoring study. She noted that they all sound like they will produce interesting and useful information and is glad that they are being done.

S. Olanoff said that in the MPO’s recertification process, the Federal transportation agencies recommended that the Advisory Council conduct a self-survey of the demographics of reflecting the diversity of the Advisory Council members. A survey of voting members of the Advisory Council was distributed and members who wished to participate were asked to return the completed survey to CTPS. Surveys will be sent to voting members not in attendance.

Chair Olanoff reported on the public hearing that was conducted by FRA on September 6, for the scoping process of the High Speed Rail EIS Project. J. Businger, National Corridors Initiative, and R. Arena, Association for Public Transportation, added that the comment period had been extended. R. Arena raised his concerns about the need for more input to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) from parties in Massachusetts. He explained that he is concerned that important needed improvements to prepare for high speed rail in the Northeast Corridor are not being promoted. Because of this, they won’t be included in this environmental review process and they won’t be part of any program to improve the corridor adequately. He identified many needed improvements to track, stations, and South Station, and also said that he believes the North-South Rail Link and extending the corridor to the north are critical components of any high speed rail plan. J. Businger agreed and provided additional information and views on this topic. 

Chair Olanoff proposed forming a Special Committee to prepare a comment letter to the MPO regarding the FRA Tier I Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of the Northeast Corridor.

Members F. DeMasi, R. Arena, R. McGaw, Vice Chair M. Tibbits, and Chair S. Olanoff agreed to serve as members of the Committee. The draft letter will be presented at the Advisory Council meeting on October 10. If the Advisory Council votes to advance a comment on this topic, the Advisory Council’s comment will be submitted to the MPO for MPO consideration and possible action at its October 18 meeting.

Advisory Council members reminded staff to include a “New Business” agenda item on all agendas so that topics such as this, which was not announced in advance on the agenda, would have a proper place in the Advisory Council’s meeting discussions.

3.    Approval of Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2012Steve Olanoff, Chair

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. The minutes of the July 11, 2012 meeting were unanimously approved.

4.    Election of Officers—Laura Wiener, Chair, Nominating Committee

On August 24, 2012, Nominating Committee met to nominate officers (Chair and Vice Chair) for the next term. The committee considered several members who expressed an interest in the positions of Chair and Vice Chair.  The Committee nominated Kristina Johnson as Chair, and Louis Elisa as Vice Chair for the upcoming term. Prior to today’s meeting, both nominees agreed to have the Nominating Committee place their name in nomination for these positions.

Chair Olanoff opened up the process to nominations from the floor. Current Chair, Steve Olanoff, was nominated from the floor by R. Arena.   

Both nominations were seconded prior to a brief statement by each nominee.

Ballots were distributed to voting members of the Council. Committee Chair Wiener indicated that MPO members do not vote. 

A tally of the nominees resulted in a tie vote of 10 votes for each candidate.

Kristina Johnson acknowledged her appreciation for being considered for the office, and then withdrew her name from consideration. No further nominations were received from the floor. Nominations were duly closed and a voice vote affirmed the election of Steve Olanoff to Chair of the Advisory Council for the next year.

Chair Olanoff opened up the process to nominations from the floor for the office of Vice Chair. A Vice Chair nomination from the floor was accepted for Monica Tibbits. Louis Elisa withdrew his name from nomination. Nominations were duly closed and a voice vote affirmed the election of Monica Tibbits as Vice Chair of the Advisory Council for the next year.

5.    Bylaws Review—Monica Tibbits, Vice Chair

Proposed changes to the Bylaws were distributed to the Council in August after a full review by the Membership Committee. Changes were made to the Bylaws to reflect modifications to the MPO membership and election process which were made in 2011; to update and modernize language, e.g., preference for “Chair” over “Chairman”; and to clarify voting membership status.

The Council discussed which member entities may vote. There was discussion about the potential impact of MPO member entities also being able to vote on the Advisory Council. Another concern is that about the potential for Open Meeting Law difficulties if a quorum of MPO members participates in an Advisory Council meeting. The Council voted to accept the Committee’s proposed revisions to the Bylaws, including adding to Article 9 that “Only Advisory Council voting members may vote on committees”.  

6.    Members Announcements and Committee Reports

F. DeMasi stated that the New Bedford Port Authority will sponsor a Special Trade Conference on October 2 in New Bedford. The conference will address developing coastal shipping and its influence on rail and highway links.

W. Bonin announced that the Freight Committee met prior to this meeting to review Phase II of the Freight Rail Study in the Boston Region. The study reviews traffic in the Boston area and will provide inputs that will improve the MPO freight model and serve as a baseline to improve freight movement in Boston.

M. Gowing discussed the visit by Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation and CEO Davey to review a project which coordinates transit services in five neighboring towns including Acton. In addition, an announcement was made regarding the Governor’s signing of a new Community Innovation Challenge (CIC) grant program which seeks to find new and more efficient ways to deliver local services.   

7.    Household Survey: Applications and ImpactsRobert Sievert, MPO Staff

Due to the late hour, the Council voted to postpone this presentation until the October 10 meeting.

8.    Adjourn

Prior to adjournment Chair Olanoff acknowledged the contribution of retiring member Malek Al-Khatib for his many years of service to the Advisory Council.

 A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The motion carried.




and Alternates


Calli Cenizal

Steven Rawding


Tad Read


Franny Osman


Leon Papadopoulas

Seaport Advisory Council

Louis Elisa


Mike Gowing


Laura Wiener


Robert McGaw


Juan Avendono


Walter Bonin


David Montgomery


Kristina Johnson


Frank DeMasi


Steve Olanoff


American Council of Engineering Companies

Association for Public Transportation


Boston Society of Architects

Boston Society of Civil Engineers


National Corridors Initiative

Riverside Neighborhood Association

Route 128 Business Council


Mary Ann Murray

Tom Daley

Barry Steinberg

Richard Arena

Schuyler Larrabee

Malek Al-Khatib

Chris Porter

John Businger

Marylin Wellons

Monica Tibbits

John McQueen






Clay Schofield


Theadora Fisher

HHS, Human Service Transportation Office

Ed Washburn

Port of New Bedford

Jeffrey Stieb

Port of New Bedford

Wig Zamore

Mystic View Task Force, STEP

Ed Lowney



MPO Staff/Central Transportation Planning Staff

Pam Wolfe, CTPS

David Fargen, CTPS