AACT Executive Board Meeting Summary



November 14, 2012                                                                 



The meeting opened at 10:22 A.M.






Attendees: J. White (JW), I. Perrault (IP), R. Morin (RM), B. A. Rock (BAR), and M.A. Murray (MAM)


MPO Staff/Coordinator: Janie Guion


I C JW stated that due to weather conditions he was unable to attend a scheduled bus operator Recertification Training class at the MBTA Charlestown garage

MAM did not attend the training due to conflicting and miss understanding of her 

I C JW stated that the operators need training in wheelchair securement


        Commented that the new In-Person Assessment (IPA)     brochure does not reference the Access Advisory Committee to     the   MBTA (AACT). He contacted M. Lambert regarding this issue

        Waiting to hear from M. Lambert


        He also suggested that the late P Beaulieu should be      acknowledged in the IPA brochure.

        No action was taken.


        He is concerned about the software clinch from last month. He      is concerned whether the reports for October and September    will be available


        A discussion regarding scheduled pickup times that not ADA compliant. It was revealed that scheduled pickups do not   accommodate the persons on vehicle and are not by ADA      standards and by what is in THE RIDE contract


MAM stated that she has tried without success to get a trip    history from the Office for Transportation Access (OTA)


I C JW stated that a yearly calculation of transportation expense of THE RIDE will be needed for person getting Federal Subsidies


           Stated that he brought the issue up at a meeting with the      Acting GM J Davis that THE RIDE should be on a sliding              scale


BAR inquired if THE RIDE on a sliding scale was on the record.

I C JW stated yes it was and the GM stated that it is not the MBTA’s job to issue sliding scale.




R M questioned that M Lambert was putting together a cross-section of disability groups for a roundtable meeting. He is concerned who is working on this issue since M Lambert has been promoted. He inquired about the role of M Dullea with M Lambert promotion


I C JW discussed the ideal of AACT, MOD and EEOA going to the                 media to discuss the upcoming survey


            He also discussed that passengers are being overcharged on a        regular basis and that the only way to know for sure is               through a print out of all rides taken.

MAM is concerned that the language in the IPA brochure document “origin should read door to door” since THE RIDE is a door to door service


IC JW commented that AACT was promised a tour of the new facility   

A call was made to the IPA facility. He will ask Frank Oglesby about the viewing the site. AACT not mentioned on the flyer. A November 19 date was

He asked that Ms. Cole contact him regarding the opening and tour

He will ask Frank Oglesby about AACT Board seeing the 


RM stated that there are many concerns that need to be addressed. Board should schedule a meeting with M. Cole to share the concerns of AACT. He suggested that M Lambert give AACT direct contact information  


        (1) Mock Interview/Demonstration of IPA

        (2) Evening appointments

        (3) Scheduling time

        (4) Contact Information for Marilyn Cole

        (5) No mention of AACT in the new IPA brochure

        (6) Setup Meeting w Marilyn Cole

        (7) Attend a IPA training of staff

        (8) Letter to IPA Manager


MAM stated that poor signage at the Downtown Crossing Charlie Store. Assistance from MBTA personal was useless they unable to direct her


IC JW will ask Larry H what is the schedule for update elevators and updated timetable on Government Center Project


        Update from M. Festa on key stations


        A visit by the AACT Board to the underground training facility        at Broadway Station


RM commented that AACT should look into the MBTA’s evacuation plans. He would like to know who is in charge.


IC JW suggested that perhaps M Festa is probably the person to speak with


        Stated that the recent evacuation drill should have included members from the AACT to observe instead of just MBTA staff


RM commented that there are many issues that need to be addressed. He is suggesting a separate meeting from the regular AACT Board meeting. He would like to list and prioritize the issues and meet with the GM monthly to address the issues


        He will write all the major issues and send a long a coversheet         explaining each. This will be presented to the new GM. The   group will share the information with the members


IC JW is concerned how the MBTA address lawsuits. He would like the MBTA and THE RIDE vendors and use the same insurance company for a better deal.


MAM stated that she called THE RIDE vendor GLSS and was not told up front what her balance was she had to ask. She was surprised since it was stated that each vendor staff would automatically give you that information.


IC JW reminded members to read the AACT Bylaws regarding the attendance to make sure you are current


Start 1:25:00