AACT Executive Board Meeting Summary



July 25, 2012                                                                          



The meeting opened at 10:25 A.M.






Attendees: I. Perrault, J. White, B. A. Rock,

Absent:      M.A. Murray and R. Morin


Public Attendee: Tyler Terrasi



Correction to the June 25 meeting minutes: This information was not reported.


Rick Morin stated that due to a conflict of interest he will step down as Chairman of the Transportation Committee for the Bay State Council for the Blind to focus on AACT issues.



IC James White and members of the Executive Board discussed the following:


·       The AACT Bylaws Regarding Replacement of Officers


The AACT members consulted with the AACT Bylaws and IC White cited the following sections.


        Article IV. Board of Directors


        Section 6. Replacement of Officers


        a) If the Chair becomes vacant, the Vice-       Chairperson shall become Interim Chairperson until   such time as an interim election or the annual      election fills the Chair. When the Vice-Chairperson     assumes the duties of the Chairperson, no vacancy   is created in the Vice-Chairperson’s position.         Upon         election of a new Chair, the Interim-Chair will         return         to their vacated position of Vice-Chair for the         remainder, if any, of their two-year term. Time spent as Interim-Chair will be considered as part of      their two-year term as Vice-Chair.


        Article IV. Voting


        Section 3.


        C. Members Eligible to Hold Office


        3. In order to run for position of Chair, candidates must be        eligible voting members for at least one (1) year before             the date of election.



·       IC White gave a summary of his meeting with General Manager Davis’ Special Assistant Michael Lambert


                - IC White biggest concern was the proposed                                    implementation of a bus stop elimination program on 15                  bus routes; AACT was not notified about this proposal; he              noted that the bus stop elimination may have an adverse                effect on the new assessment program for THE RIDE


                 -AACT was unaware any public meetings




                 -At the August 22 AACT meeting there will be a                              presentation from Bus Operations regarding the Bus Stop               Elimination Project


·       IC White stated that he would like a briefing of THE RIDE In-person Assessment  Program before the full membership


·       IC White encouraged all members to read the Easter Seals Project ACTION Determining ADA Paratransit Eligibility


        -He is asking for monthly updates from the MBTA                  regarding the in-person assessment


        -He discussed the idea of Executive Board                             members observing the assessment teams in                       action with potential subscribers


·       Michael Lambert suggested the consolidation of the AACT Executive Board meetings with the full AACT meetings


·       There is concern that AACT members are disrespectful of the OTA staff. IC Chairman stated that this may be open to interpretation



·       AACT will make a brief tribute to the retiring Kathy Cox and she will be presented flowers from the group


·       There is concern about the Taxi Cab Subsidy Program


        -IC White stated that drivers; in this program should go         through the same professional passenger sensitivity training as THE RIDE drivers. He is also concerned whether the service         will be limited to people with specific         disabilities


·       Michael Lambert offered AACT the  opportunity to have information on AACT included in the OTA Premium Service Mass mailing in an effort to increase the AACT membership


·       The Executive Board discussed THE RIDE implementing a no-show penalty


                -He stated that there are too many variables such as:                    reaching dispatch, unforeseen emergencies, and                           last minute issues


                -He would also like more information on ADA                                          guidelines on a no-show penalty and feels that                              abusers should be penalized


·       IC White is concerned about the impact study regarding the fare increase; he spoke about getting a printout to view the increase or decrease of THE RIDE activities of before and after the fare increase; he was advised that the figures would probably be misleading due to the holiday


·       He stated that after reviewing the report by the 530 Commission it does state that anyone transporting persons with disabilities must be qualified and trained; he asked that the Board members read the report and highlight areas of interest


·       He discussed how the vendors’ staff are having driver trainees on the road during peak rush hour which results in passengers being on THE RIDE vehicle  for long periods


Meeting was adjourned at 12 Noon.