Access Advisory Committee to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150, Boston, MA. 02116-3968
Voice: 617-973-7100, Fax: 617-973-8855, TDD: 671-973-7089, E-mail:

Executive Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


The AACT Executive Board will meet from 10 AM to noon and the Membership meeting will be conducted from 1:00 PM to 3 PM on the fourth Wednesday of the month, except when noted.

AACT has a page on the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) website at; click on “Get Involved” then scroll down to “Access Advisory Committee to the MBTA.” Links can be found there for the following items: agendas, upcoming meetings, past meeting minutes, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the MBTA and AACT, and the AACT bylaws, and ADA regulations. There are also links to the MPO’s newsletter, TRANSREPORT, and information on accessibility at the MBTA. This page includes the contact information for the AACT Coordinator.

Comments and questions concerning AACT should be directed to the Chairman James White by contacting the AACT Coordinator, Ms. Janie Guion, at 617-973-7507 (voice); 617-973-7089 (TTY); 617-973-8855 (fax); (email); or at c/o CTPS, 10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150, Boston, MA 02116 (mail).

The AACT meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities and is near public transportation. Upon request (preferably two weeks in advance of the meeting), every effort will be made to provide accommodations such as assistive listening devices, materials in accessible formats and in languages other than English, and interpreters in American Sign Language and other languages. Please contact the MPO staff at 617.973.7100 (voice), 617.973.7089 (TTY), 617.973.8855 (fax), or

The MPO complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal and state non-discrimination statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. The MPO does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, English proficiency, income, religious creed, ancestry, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or military service. Any person who believes herself/ himself or any specific class of persons has been subjected to discrimination prohibited by Title VI, ADA, or other non-discrimination statute or regulation may, herself/himself or via a representative, file a written complaint with the MPO. A complaint must be filed no later than 180 calendar days after the date on which the person believes the discrimination occurred. A complaint form and additional information can be obtained by contacting the MPO (see above) or at

Members needing service information or wanting to inquire about MBTA services should do so through the MBTA Marketing and Communications Department at 617-222-3200 or 800-392-6100, TTY 617-222-5146, Monday through Friday 6:30 AM to 8:00 PM and Sat/Sun from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM, or the MBTA website at

Please sign in at all meetings.

Announcements are always welcome. Please be prepared to give as many details as possible: date, time, location, contact person, and phone number. A written notice is always appreciated.

The meeting opened at 10:10 A.M.

Reading of the Agenda



Chairman James White, Rick Morin, Ian Perrault, Mary Ann Murray, Beverly Ann Rock, Cheryl Ravalli,  Lisa Weber and Alan Karon

MBTA/MassDOT: Carol Joyce-Harrington and Mike Lambert

MPO Staff/Coordinator: Janie Guion and Pam Wolfe

Chairman’s Report

He made the following comments:

He then asked for questions or comments.

R. Morin mentioned that the membership should be informed that the MBTA will be holding public hearings to discuss policy on No-Show Cancelation Policy. And he stated that he would like to hear more on the commitment for the public hearings and when will it be announced.

CJ-Harrington confirmed that there will be public hearings but had no dates at hand. She noted that the MBTA is more than likely one of the last major transit agencies to institute a No-Show/Cancellation policy, and now that there is technology available it will be easier to document and confirm no-shows.  

MA Murray stated that it is important for consumers to know the impact of the new policies.


R. Morin made a motion that the Executive Board of Directors agree with the No Show/Cancellation policy with one friendly recommendation: that a further definition of the thirty minute window be ten minutes before and twenty minutes after the scheduled pickup time. The motion was seconded and passed with four votes in favor and one abstention.

CJ-Harrington stated that she would pass on the recommendation.

Chairman White said he was concerned that taxis may not have enough insurance to protect consumers who ride in the vehicles.

R. Morin suggested to the Chair that a letter be written to the MBTA procurement manager stating all the concerns the group has with taxi procurement.

Chairman White chose Mr. Morin to write the letter and it was suggested that any member with concerns send him their comments to be added.

He informed Ms. Harrington that he favors the Automated T.A.P. Pass and noted that it will be great for consumers.

CJ-Harrington noted that the accessible taxis are called Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAV); this acronym will be used often. She also clarified that these are non-ADA type of trips.

Corrections to the AACT Executive Board Meeting Minutes July 24.

CJ-Harrington from the Office of Transportation Access (OTA) requested a correction to the July 24, 2013, Executive Board Meeting Minutes as shown below.

The text to be revised is in the Chairman’s report on page five, lines sixteen to eighteen with additional text footnote highlighted in red.

On July 16 22, he attended the In-Person Appeals Hearing for the three people who were found not eligible for THE RIDE. , based on information available at the time of their in-person assessments conducted at THE RIDE Eligibility Center: He noted that he is waiting to hear the results of those appeals which are made in writing to the appellants in thirty days.*

*The results of the three appeals are: one appelant withdrew his appeal (as he stated he walked for miles), another appelant’s ineligible status was revised to unconditional eligibility due to the fact that additional information, which was not available to TREC at the time of their determination, was provided to the Appeals Board for their consideration, and the third appelant’s ineligibile status remained unchanged.


R. Morin made a motion to accept the changes proposed by Carol Joyce-Harrington.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Executive Order 530 Commission (EO 530) - Statewide Mobility Kick-off Event

Michael Lambert, Deputy Administrator of MassDOT, gave an overview of the kickoff of the Statewide Coordinating Council for Community Transportation (SCCCT). He stated that the Council is a direct outgrowth of the EO 530 formed by Governor Patrick in 2011. Their report recommended that a formal body is needed to advise the Health and Human Service Secretary and the Transportation Secretary on how to improve transportation across the state.

He noted that one of the key note speakers for the SCCCT kick-off was Dr. Beverly Scott who stated that EO 530 lays the foundation for coordination across the Commonwealth.

The revenue for The Way Forward funding has been passed; there is money allocated in The Way Forward to advance these efforts.

He then gave an overview of the Council’s goals: (1) improve transportation options by identifying gaps in service and addressing them; (2) address physical barriers --clearing snow from key bus routes, and making ADA --eligibility consistent across the state; (3)  create efficiency: in revenue by co-mingling as many trips as possible; change the application process for organizations seeking vans; and start an MBTA accessible taxi pilot program to provide some rides more cheaply than the current cost of THE RIDE.  

He then asked for questions.

R. Morin asked about the formation of the Council. 

M. Lambert stated that the council is an extension of the EO 530 with additional members from the public, transportation officials, education, practitioners, human service agencies and other organizations. There twenty-two members now serving.

CJ-Harrington stated that the council is looking for volunteers to serve on Regional Councils, not just members from state agencies or organizations.  Consumers are asked to contact the Statewide Mobility Coordinator, Aniko Laszlo, if they would like to serve or offer comment.  She can be reached at and is scheduled to present at the November AACT membership meeting.

M. Lambert stated that the council will meet in towns and cities around the Commonwealth. AACT will serve as the MBTA Boston metro volunteers.

MA Murray asked where the North Shore fits in these plans.

M. Lambert noted that the North Shore is included in the MBTA’s Boston region.

Chairman White noted that the North Shore is included as part of the sixty-one cities and towns serviced by the MBTA.

M. Lambert stated the council’s aim is not to impose boundaries, but to see what the issues are first. He noted that the council will be reporting on its progress regularly.

Chairman White thanked Mr. Lambert for keeping the Executive Board aware of the new mobility program.

Open Discussion

Chairman White acknowledged the great work of the Summit Committee and said he is looking forward to a large turnout at the meeting.

L. Weber asked that the Summit Committee meet on October 11.

R. Morin asked about the possibility of a fare increase. He asked Mr. Lambert to give an explanation of what the legislation allows.

M. Lambert stated that the legislation sets a revenue target for the MBTA and MassDOT and looks for them to match the funding. This anticipates the Way Forward with modest fare increases on a regular basis as opposed to big increases every four years.

R. Morin asked if this describes the maximum fare increase.

M. Lambert stated it does not define the five percent.

BA Rock asked if there will be special consideration for fares for the disability community since that community took the greatest hit in the last fare increase.

M. Lambert said there will be consideration for everyone, not just for the disability community.

R. Morin asked how AACT can impact the outcome of the planning process and the best ways to mobilize the consumers so that their voices can be heard.

M. Lambert stated that discussing specific details with him is a good start. He noted that he would look into their concerns.

R. Morin is concerned that if the Boston Center for Independent Living and Massachusetts Senior Action Council are involved in any dialogue he would like to see AACT participating also.

Chairman White stated that there were many comments relating to additional revenue sources, recommendations, and taxes that were not utilized or was never discussed. He asked if this will now be part of the discussion.

M. Lambert stated that the MBTA was required to deliver a report on the advertising revenue to the Legislature and has done so. He noted that it is important that all revenue sources are being explored. He noted that the policy shift contained within The Way Forward recommends regularly scheduled small fare increases.

Chairman White asked if there would be discussions about late night service hours.

M. Lambert stated that this is a very important issue that will need to be addressed by the Legislature; he is not sure there will be a fare increase but he will try to be part of the dialogue.

Chairman White thanked Mr. Lambert for his report.

Open Discussion

R. Morin commented that the AACT Membership should remain focused on the potential fare increase. He would like to be proactive instead of reactive to a potential fare increase.  He would like for this to be a frequent topic of discussion at Board meetings.

Chairman White asked that Mr. Charles Planck, the MBTA Senior Director for Strategic Initiatives and Performance, be contacted and invited to attend the AACT Executive Board Meeting on October 23 to discuss potential fare increases.

He reminded members that the next membership meeting on October 23rd will include a presentation by Ms. Kristen McCosh, Disability Commissioner for the City of Boston.  The presentation at the November 20th AACT meeting will be Ms. Aniko Laszlo, the recently named Statewide Mobility Coordinator for MassDOT.

Summit Committee Update

R. Morin stated that they are still working on inviting people to the program.

MA Murray offered to help with the Summit.

Announcements: There were none.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:54 AM.