Access Advisory Committee to the MBTA Membership Meeting

Conference Rooms 2 and 3, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA

Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 1:00 to 3:00 PM


Please note:    AACT meetings are public and open to all. They      are conducted in full compliance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Open Meeting        Law, M.G.L. c.30A, §§ 18-25 (effective July 1, 2010)

Meeting Agenda

1.     Opening/Introductions/Agenda


           1:00 - 1:10 PM


2.      Dr. Beverly A. Scott, MBTA General Manager and                      MassDOT Rail and Transit Administrator


1:10 - 1:30 PM


3.      Chairman’s Report


      -Approval of Meeting Minutes

       November 20, 2013       


           1:30 - 1:50 PM


4.       BREAK


                1:50 – 2:00 PM


5.   MBTA Representatives Reports


           2:00 – 2:15 P.M.


    -Deputy Chief Kenneth Green, Transit Police

-Larry Haile, System-Wide Accessibility/Fixed Route    Services

-Frank Oglesby, Office for Transportation Access


   6.   Vendor Representative Reports


   2:15 – 2:30 P.M.


-THE RIDE Eligibility Center/In-Person Assessment

-The Joint Venture of Thompson Transit and YCN

-Veterans Transportation, LLC

-Greater Lynn Senior Services


   7.  Open Discussion, Announcements, and Adjournment.

                   2:30 – 3:00 P.M.


Please observe the following guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation.


·       No outbursts, interruptions, or cross talking when someone is speaking.

·       If you have any questions, please wait to be recognized by the Chairman, or a member of the Board. Please, one question or comment at a time. Each attendee will be given no more than two opportunities to address each issue.

·       Please wait for your answer; do not continue to speak.

·       Place all cellular phones and or paging systems on “off” or “silent mode” BEFORE the meeting.

·       No eating allowed during any AACT meeting.

·       Remember to take all your belongings with you (bottles, cups, tissues, and bags).

·       All meetings will be recorded.

·       Please help make this a fragrance-free meeting.


For assistance or reasonable accommodations contact Ms. Janie Guion at least one week prior to the meeting at (617) 973-7507 or TTY (617) 973-7089.


The next AACT meeting will be on January 22, 2014.