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Development of the FFYs 2014-2017 TIP

photo of a bridge replacement under constructionphoto of Interstate 93 south of Bostonphoto of a jogger and bicyclist on a shared use pathphoto of a commuter rail locomotive at a station


Be Informed, Be Involved Sessions

January 16, 2012

Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

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TIP Overview

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-term capital program that funds priority transportation projects voted upon by the members of the Boston Region MPO.

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FFYs 2008-16 TIP Target Program

Pie chart of Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2008-2016 TIP Target Program - Annual Funding Levels by Project Typephoto of a roadway corridorphoto of pedestrians traversing a crosswalkphoto of Interstate 93 south of Boston

The annual average of the Target Program is $65 million. Of that, the MPO invests half of the funding on arterial and intersection projects, almost 40 percent on major highway facilities, about 3.5% on bicycle and pedestrian improvements, 3.5% on transit projects, slightly less than 2% on Clean Air and Mobility Program projects, and less than one percent on other projects.

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TIP Project Selection Process

4 steps of project selection process

This graphic outlines the main steps in the TIP Project Selection Process. The first step is to compile a Universe of Projects that contains all projects being considered for TIP funding. Last year, the Universe of Projects contained over 135 projects with a combined cost of more than $775 million. The second step is to evaluate projects. There are more than 40 projects that have been evaluated with an estimated total cost of approximately $235 million. The third step is to compile a First Tier List of Projects of projects that score well and could be made ready for advertising in the TIP time span. The fourth step is to prepare a staff recommendation of new projects to be funded in the TIP for consideration by the MPO.

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Compile Universe of Projects

Project Funding Application Forms – due February 1


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Snapshot of a Project Information Form from the TIP Interactive Database

The Project Information Form contains information on each project´s background, infrastructure condition and needs, development status, and how well it addresses MPO policies. TIP Contacts update information about existing projects requesting TIP funding through the TIP Interactive Database.

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Project Rating Sheet

This overview of the TIP evaluation criteria lists the 35 criteria across the 6 policy categories: Maintenance, Modernization and Efficiency; Livability and Economic Benefit; Mobility; Environment and Climate Change; Environmental Justice: and, Safety and Security

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Project Evaluations

Post Project Evaluation Results – March 4

photo of MBTA busphoto of automobiles on roadwayphoto of passengers boarding commuter rail coachphoto of a commuter ferry in Boston Harborphoto of two bicyclists on roadway


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First-Tier List of Projects

project list

This table of the 15 projects in the First-Tier List of Projects contains information on the municipality(ies) in which the project is located, project name, evaluation rank, and design status.

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Staff Recommendation Table


This table lists the First-Tier List of Projects. Projects highlighted in green are those projects from the First-Tier List that were proposed for funding in the staff recommendation. The table also contains information on the municipality(ies) in which the project is located, project name, evaluation rank, and design status.

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Draft TIP to Final TIP

April 4 – May 2:  MPO review of proposed draft TIP

May 2:  MPO votes on Draft TIP for public review

May 6 – June 4:  Public reviews Draft TIP

June 4 – June 27:  MPO considers public comments on Draft TIP

June 27:  MPO takes action on the Draft TIP

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Online Resources and Contacts

photo of an MPO meeting

Sean Pfalzer

TIP Manager
