Agenda posted before 5:00 PM, February 14, 2013
Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting
Conference Rooms 2&3, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA
Thursday, February 21, 2013, 10: AM (Estimated duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes, expected ending at 1:30 PM)
1. Introductions, 5 minutes
2. Public Comments, 10 minutes
3. Chairs Report, 5 minutes
4. Committee Chairs Reports, 5 minutes
5. Regional Transportation Advisory Council Report, 5 minutes
6. Executive
Directors Report, 5
7. Action
Item: MPO Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2013, Maureen Kelly, MPO Staff, approval of these meeting
minutes, 5 minutes (posted)
8. JARC and New Freedom Update, Alicia Wilson, MPO Staff
a. Memorandum, Job Access and Reverse Commute and New Freedom Federal Grant Program Projects in the Boston Region MPO Area: An Evaluation, presentation and discussion of this analysis of the success of MPO-recommended projects in these programs, 20 minutes (to be posted)
b. 2013 Project Solicitation, 30 minutes
- Evaluation Criteria, presentation, discussion and possible consensus on proposed approach to evaluating applications for funding through these two programs
- Schedule, discussion of schedule for applications, evaluations, and MPO recommendations
9. Report on ADA and Section 508 Work and the New MPO Website, Robin Mannion, Executive Deputy Director, MPO Staff, discussion of the MPOs work in maintaining compliance with requirements and standards for accessibility regarding meetings and communications; this includes a preview of the new and accessible MPO Website, 30 minutes
10. Transit Oriented Development Planning, Eric Bourassa, Transportation Director, and Eric Halvorsen, Transportation Planner, MAPC, update on MAPC TOD-related planning activities, 30 minutes.
11. State Implementation Plan Update, Kate Fichter, Office of Transportation Planning, MassDOT, monthly report for public information on progress, 5 minutes (to be posted)
12. Members
Items, reports
and notices by MPO Members, including regional concerns and local community
issues, 5 minutes