

Boston MPO UPWP Committee


Eric Bourassa, MAPC Transportation Director


May 9, 2013




MAPC is receiving $62,521 in additional PL funds for Federal Fiscal Year 2014, above Federal Fiscal Year 2013 amounts, and $1,491 in additional 5303 funds.


MAPC proposes allocating these additional funds to the following activities:


$30,000 of PL funds and $1,491 of 5303 funds for the Alternative Mode Planning and Coordination efforts, which will specifically support additional bicycle and pedestrian planning MAPC is conducting at the local level.  


$12,521 of PL funds for the Corridor/Subarea Planning Studies, which will allow MAPC to conduct additional planning to support Transit Oriented Development at existing or proposed transit stations.


$10,000 of PL funds to support the Community Transportation Technical Assistance Program that MAPC conducts with CTPS staff. These funds will allow for additional small technical assistance studies such as parking turn-over analyses, downtown circulation, and small bicycle & pedestrian recommendations.


$10,000 of PL funds for MetroFuture engagement activities to support MAPC projects and studies, with a particular focus on engaging environmental justice communities, seniors, and people with disabilities in regional planning.