Public Comments on Draft Amendment Five to the FFYs 2013-16
Transportation Improvement Program
City of Cambridge Brian P. Murphy, Assistant City Manager for Community Development Cambridge Common Supports Supports the inclusion of additional funds totaling $849,022 for Cambridge Common in FFY 2013 of the TIP. This funding will cover additional pavement work, police detail, and other costs. As part of the 100% design, the City identified and MassDOT confirmed that full depth reconstruction is necessary for a portion of Massachusetts Avenue within the project limits that could no longer be restored through a mill and overlay process. Notes that the project will address significant deficiencies in multi-modal transportation access.          
Town of Arlington, Board of Selectmen Daniel J. Dunn, Diane M. Mahon, Kevin F. Greeley, Steven M. Byrne, and Joseph A. Curro, Jr. Reconstruction of Massachusetts Avenue (Arlington) Support Reaffirm support for Reconstruction of Massachusetts Avenue in Arlington. The design of the project was guided by the following goals: improve pedestrian and cyclist safety and mobility, improve the environment for transit users, maintain motorist mobility, minimize through traffic on local streets, create more orderly traffic flow, improve access to local businesses, and enhance the streetscape. Believes that the proposed project design meets these goals.

Address the non-binding question on the ballot at the Annual Town Election on April 6, 2013. States that the question is a false choice because it ignores the complexity of the project, is non-binding so the results do not have any legal effect on the local decision-making process, and passed by a narrow margin of less than 300 votes.