FFY 2014 Schedule – Certification Activities

General Program
Task Name Start Finish
Public Involvement, TRANSREPORT, and Website  10/1/13  9/30/14
MPO Public Outreach Events  12/3/13  9/12/14
Advisory Council Meetings – Monthly–- Second Wednesday Each Month  10/1/13  9/10/14
Advisory Council – Input on Planning  10/1/13  9/30/14
AQ and Global Warming Solutions  10/1/13  9/30/14
Disability Access Support  10/1/13  9/30/14
Transportation Equity Program   10/1/13  9/30/14
Transportation Equity Updates – Periodically – December, April,  August  12/5/13 8/6/14
Transportation Equity Forum 1/14/14 1/14/14
CMP, Other Studies and Programs  10/1/13  9/30/14
Intersection Improvement Program – Planning and Tech Support  10/1/13  9/30/14
Freight Program  10/1/13  9/30/14
Planning Topics  10/1/13  9/30/14

LRTP Development
Task Name Start Finish
Update Needs Assessment  10/1/13  5/30/14
Develop Performance Measures  10/1/13  9/30/14
Incorporate Performance-Based Planning  1/1/14  9/30/14
Develop and Analyze Scenarios  6/3/14  9/30/14
Develop and Circulate Draft LRTP  6/3/14  9/30/14

UPWP Development
Task Name Start Finish
Development – Project Universe  11/4/13 6/26/14
Subregion Input – Seminars (2) – Study Ideas  11/13/13  1/17/14
Evaluation of New Studies  1/3/14  3/27/14
UPWP Committee Review of New Studies  2/6/14  2/6/14
Receive Planning Target   3/3/14  3/3/14
Establish UPWP Budget  3/13/14  313/14
Staff Recommendation to UPWP Committee  3/20/14  3/20/14
UPWP Committee Recommendation  3/27/14  3/27/14


UPWP Implementation
Task Name Start Finish
MPO and Agency Work Scopes  10/1/13  9/30/14
Reports and Studies  10/1/13  9/30/14
Status Reports – Quarterly – November, February, April, July  10/1/13  8/22/14

TIP Development
Task Name Start Finish
Review TIP Evaluation Process  10/1/13  9/30/14
Send Letter to Municipalities  12/6/13  12/6/13
Subregion Input– Seminars (2) – Project Ideas  11/13/13  1/17/14
Updated Project Funding Application Forms  2/3/14  2/3/14
Project Evaluations  2/3/14  3/20/14
Review Obligation Status  2/27/14  9/30/14
Receive Funding Target  3/3/14  3/3/14
First Tier List and Staff Proposal  3/27/14  3/27/14
Discuss List and Staff Proposal  4/3/14  4/3/14

TIP Implementation
Task Name Start Finish
TIP Amendments (typical time frames) – Periodically – Three Periods Beginning Early November, March, July  11/7/13 9/18/14
TIP Updates to MPO – Monthly – First Thursday of Each Month (approximately)  11/7/13  9/26/14


UPWP and TIP Approvals
Task Name Start Finish
MPO to Review Drafts  4/3/14  5/15/14
Approve UPWP and TIP Drafts for Review  5/15/14  5/15/14
UPWP and TIP Public Comment Period 5/19/14 6/17/14
MPO Endorses UPWP and TIP  6/26/14  6/26/14