Agenda posted before 5:00 PM, November 26, 2013
Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting
Third Floor Conference Room, Franklin Town Hall, 355 East Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038
December 5, 2013, 10:00 AM (Estimated duration: 2 1/2
hours, expected ending at 12:30 PM)
Please note: This meeting is in Franklin. For information on travel to the meeting, please see the meeting flyer at this link:
1. Introductions, 5 minutes
2. Public Comments, 10 minutes
3. Chairs Report, 5 minutes
4. Committee Chairs Reports, 5 minutes
5. Regional Transportation Advisory Council Report, 5 minutes
6. Executive
Directors Report, 5
7. Welcome from Host Municipality, Jeff Nutting, Town Administrator, Town of Franklin, introduction to the Town of Franklin and overview of local transportation issues, and Gino Carlucci, Chair, SWAP, overview of SouthWest Advisory Planning Committee subregional transportation issues and priorities, 15 minutes
8. Action Items:
a. Work Programs: Karl Quackenbush, Executive Director, CTPS, presentation, discussion, and approval of these work programs, 15 minutes (posted)
- MassDOT Title VI Program: Development and Support
- Transportation Investments for Economic Development
b. Minutes from MPO Meeting on November 7, 2013, Maureen Kelly, MPO Staff, approval of these meeting minutes, 5 minutes (to be posted)
9. Memorandum: Performance Measures, Anne McGahan, MPO Staff, presentation and discussion of the next steps in the development of the MPOs Performance Measures, 30 minutes (to be posted)
10. LRTP Planning Tools: Travel Demand Model, Cubeland, TREDIS, Scott Peterson, Director of Technical Services, and Ed Bromage, MPO Staff, introduction to these planning tools and technical capabilities and discussion of their application in the development of the next long-range transportation plan, 40 minutes
11. Members
Items, reports
and notices by MPO Members, including regional concerns and local community
issues, 5 minutes