Regional Transportation Advisory Council – Election Committee

August 1, 2013 Meeting Notes

9:15 AM, State Transportation Building, Suite 2150, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA


1.    Introductions:

Laura Wiener, Chair (Immediate Past Advisory Council Chair) called the meeting to order at 9:15. Members attending the meeting introduced themselves.

2.    Discussion:

Members of the Election Committee discussed plans for the upcoming election of Chair and Vice Chair of the Advisory Council for the term beginning November, 2013, through October, 2014. Typically, the Vice Chair is a candidate for election to the office of Chair.  However, Monica Tibbits-Nutt declined the nomination due to time constraints.

The Election Committee members then reviewed the Advisory Council membership list and attendance records in order to identify possible candidates for the offices. The Committee used as criteria a member’s attendance record, communication skills, regional perspective, and expressed interest in the MPO planning process. 

The Election Committee identified possible candidates. Two possible candidates emerged - David Montgomery (Needham) and Mike Gowing (Acton). The Committee Chair agreed to discuss the offices and responsibilities of Advisory Council Chair and Vice Chair with them.

After discussing the roles and responsibilities of the leadership positions, Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Gowing agreed to have their names placed in nomination and are seeking election to the offices of Chair and Vice Chair, respectively.

3.    Nominations:

The Election Committee will place David Montgomery in nomination for the office of Chair, and Mike Gowing in nomination for the office of Vice Chair at the September 11, 2013, meeting of the Advisory Council.

4.    Attendance:

The following members and staff were in attendance:

Laura Wiener, Committee Chair

Steve Olanoff, Advisory Council Chair

Monica Tibbits-Nutt, Advisory Council Vice Chair

David Montgomery, Needham

Pam Wolfe, Certification Activities Manager, CTPS