To develop the draft federal fiscal year (FFY) 2015 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Universe of Proposed New Projects, MPO staff conducted an idea-gathering process in which MAPC subregions and members of the public were encouraged to suggest project ideas or identify topics of concern. As part of this process, MPO staff sponsored or attended various meetings to discuss the UPWP development process and collect feedback. These meetings included:
- Two MPO-sponsored Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and UPWP-Building Sessions. These were held on December 3, 2013, in Dedham Town Hall, and December 11, 2013, in Chelsea City Hall.
- One Regional Transportation Advisory Council meeting. Staff presented on the UPWP at the Advisory Council’s December 11, 2013 meeting, as part of a general discussion of the MPO’s certification documents.
- Eight MAPC Subregion Meetings. Between November 2013 and January 2014, MPO staff attended meetings for each of the MAPC subregions at various locations throughout the MPO region.
- Two MPO-sponsored TIP and UPWP-Building Sessions. These were both held on January 7, 2014, at the State Transportation Building in Boston.
At each meeting, MPO staff presented information about the UPWP and its development process, answered questions, requested suggestions for study ideas, and provided instructions about how meeting attendees could provide additional comments in writing. After these meetings, the UPWP manager prepared notes documenting the discussions, including any suggestions for ideas. These notes, along with feedback collected during the FFY 2014 UPWP development process, were circulated to MPO staff. Some key themes and ideas for UPWP projects that came up during these meetings include:
- Activities that would support existing or new transit services for employment and other destinations throughout the MPO region.
- Analyses related to the connection between public health and transportation, such as the economic benefits generated by healthy transportation modes.
- Mapping and analysis activities that would address traffic and safety issues in areas surrounding schools.
- Planning to support transportation improvements on evacuation routes.
- Research pertaining to employer-based ways to reduce congestion on the transportation network.
- Research that would address water transportation connections for communities on the North Shore.
- Studies that support restoration of weekend service on the Greenbush commuter rail line.
- Suggestions for specific potential study locations, including roadway corridors and intersections, and current or prospective locations for bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
- Ways that the UPWP could address information needs pertaining to mode shift and reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Several MAPC subregions and members of the public later submitted comments and project suggestions for the UPWP in writing (attached here).
When developing UPWP project proposals, MPO staff considered the notes from these discussions, along with their own perspectives on data, information, and analysis that staff thought might be useful to the MPO. The draft FFY 2015 UPWP Universe of Proposed New Projects, as presented on February 20, 2014, includes project concepts that:
- MPO staff have identified as falling within the MPO’s purview
- Address current or upcoming issues pertinent to the MPO
- Likely would be feasible as a UPWP project
- Would be best addressed as new discrete projects (instead of parts of ongoing MPO programs)