Agenda posted before 5:00 PM, May 8, 2014
Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting
Conference Rooms 2&3, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA
May 15, 2014, 10:00 AM (Estimated duration: 2 hours and 45 minutes, expected ending at 12:45)
1. Introductions, 5 minutes
2. Public Comments, 30 minutes
3. Chairs Report, 5 minutes
4. Committee Chairs Reports, 5 minutes
5. Regional Transportation Advisory Council Report, 10 minutes
6. Executive
Directors Report, 5
7. Action Items:
a. FFY 2015 Unified Planning Work Program, Sree Allam, MassDOT, Karl Quackenbush, MPO Executive Director, and Michelle Scott, MPO Staff, presentation of recommendation of the UPWP Committee regarding the Draft FFY 2015 UPWP; and vote to release draft for public review, 15 minutes (to be posted)
b. FFYs 2015-18 Transportation Improvement Program, Sean Pfalzer, MPO Staff, presentation of the draft FFYs 2015-18 TIP program; further discussion of issues for its development; and vote to release draft for public review, 60 minutes (to be posted)
8. Bicycle Network Evaluation, Beth Isler, MPO Staff, discussion of the results of this study and implications for MPO planning and investments, 10 minutes (posted)
9. State Implementation Plan Update, Office of Transportation Planning, MassDOT, monthly report for public information on progress, 5 minutes (to be posted)
10. Members Items, reports and notices by MPO Members, including regional concerns and local community issues, 5 minutes