Agenda posted before 5:00 PM, June 12, 2014
Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting
Conference Rooms 2&3, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA
June 19, 2014, 10:00 AM (Estimated duration: 2 hours, expected ending at noon)
1. Introductions, 5 minutes
2. Public Comments, 30 minutes
3. Chairs Report, 5 minutes
4. Committee Chairs Reports, 5 minutes
5. Regional Transportation Advisory Council Report, 10 minutes
6. Executive
Directors Report, 5
7. Action Items:
CTPS Budget, Paul
Regan, Chair, Administration and Finance Committee, report on the recommendation of the committee and vote to approve the
state fiscal year 2015 budget, 10 minutes
b. 2014 Title VI Report, Elizabeth Moore, Deputy Director for Policy and Planning, MPO Staff, review of this triennial report on MPO activities in support of compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and vote to submit to MassDOT, 20 minutes (to be posted)
c. MPO Public Participation Program Update, Pam Wolfe, MPO Staff, presentation of the draft of the updated Public Participation program, discussion and next steps in the update process, 20 minutes (to be posted)
d. Minutes from MPO Meetings on May 15, 2014, Maureen Kelly, MPO Staff, approval of these meeting minutes, 5 minutes (to be posted)
8. Members
Items, reports
and notices by MPO Members, including regional concerns and local community
issues, 5 minutes
Civil Rights, nondiscrimination, and accessibility information is on page 2.