
Date       November 6, 2014

TO           Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

FROM      Karl H. Quackenbush
CTPS Executive Director

RE            Work Program for: Foxborough JARC Transit Feasibility Study

Action Required

Review and approval

Proposed Motion

That the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, upon the recommendation of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, vote to approve the work program for the Foxborough JARC Transit Feasibility Study presented in this memorandum

Project Identification

Unified Planning Work Program Classification

Planning Studies

CTPS Project Number



Town of Foxborough

Project Supervisor: Sharon Wason

CTPS Project Supervisors

Principal: Annette Demchur

Manager: Thomas J. Humphrey


Future Contract with the Town of Foxborough


Impact on MPO Work

The MPO staff has sufficient resources to complete this work in a capable and timely manner. By undertaking this work, the MPO staff will neither delay the completion of nor reduce the quality of any work in the UPWP.


The Town of Foxborough is located in the Southwest Corridor of the MPO, about 20 miles from downtown Boston. The town, with a population of 16,865, currently has no intratown fixed-route transit services. Town officials have requested the assistance of CTPS in conducting a study of potential new transit services within the town or connecting the town with the MBTA commuter rail system.


The primary objective of this project is to determine the need for and feasibility of establishing transportation services for low-income Foxborough residents for traveling to and from employment locations in the town. Options will be analyzed that include demand-responsive service and fixed-route shuttle vans or buses, and that take into consideration the extent to which these potential services may meet the transportation needs of town residents. The study will also examine the feasibility of fixed-route connections to MBTA commuter rail service in the region, for reverse-commuting to jobs in Foxborough.

Work Description

The work to be performed in this project will be divided among four tasks, as detailed below.

Task 1  Review Existing Data Sources

CTPS will review existing sources of data pertaining to potential demand for intratown transit service in Foxborough and a shuttle between the nearby commuter rail stations and employment locations in town. These will include, but will not be limited to, the Foxborough Master Plan prepared in 2012–13, an employee survey conducted by the Kraft Group, and a “heat map” of Patriot Place employee residences prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin Inc. for the Kraft Group. CTPS will prepare maps depicting employment sites and demographic information within the town.

Products of Task 1

Summaries of potential intratown trip generators and attractors in narrative (memorandum) and map form

Task 2  Collect and Analyze Additional Data

Foxborough town planners will conduct interviews with some of the major employers in the town to determine their level of interest in potential intratown and reverse-commuting service and to identify information that they are able to share from employee travel databases. CTPS will analyze the results of these interviews and will follow up with the planners to obtain additional employer database information as permitted.

Products of Task 2

Memorandum and maps of employer-specific transportation needs

Task 3  Analyze Potential New Transit Services

CTPS will define potential new fixed-route or demand-responsive transit services to meet the travel demand needs identified in Tasks 1 and 2. These routes will then be examined in terms of potential costs and revenue, operating constraints, and institutional constraints. The options to be examined will include the use of Putnam Parkway, a gated way to Gillette Stadium that is currently restricted to game-day VIP traffic, for transit service.

Product of Task 3

Technical memorandum with a summary of findings about potential new transit services, including route maps and suggested schedules

Task 4  Identify Financing and Implementation Options

CTPS, in consultation with Foxborough town officials, will identify potential financing mechanisms for the potential new transit services identified in Task 3 and the implementation strategies for these services.

Product of Task 4

Technical memorandum describing financing and implementation options for potential new transit services

Estimated Schedule

It is estimated that this project will be completed 9 months after work commences. The proposed schedule, by task, is shown in Exhibit 1.

Estimated Cost

The total cost of this project is estimated to be $38,017. This includes the cost of 11.6 person-weeks of staff time, overhead at the rate of 91.82 percent, and travel. A detailed breakdown of estimated costs is presented in Exhibit 2.




Exhibit 1
Foxborough JARC Transit Feasibility Study

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Review Existing Data Sources
From month 1 to 3.
, First memorandum and map delivered by Month 3
Collect and Analyze Additional Data
From month 3 to 6.
, Second memorandum and map delivered by Month 6
Analyze Potential New Transit Services
From month 6 to 9.
, Third memorandum and map delivered by Month 9
Identify Financing and Implementation Options
From month 9 to 10.
, Final memorandum delivered by Month 10
A: First memorandum and map
B: Second memorandum and map
C: Third memorandum and map
D: Final memorandum

Exhibit 2
Foxborough JARC Transit Feasibility Study

Direct Salary and Overhead


Person-Weeks Direct
M-1 P-5 P-4 Total
Review Existing Data Sources
0.4 2.0 0.5 2.9 $4,874 $4,476 $9,350
Collect and Analyze Additional Data
0.4 2.0 0.5 2.9 $4,874 $4,476 $9,350
Analyze Potential New Transit Services
0.4 3.0 0.5 3.9 $6,630 $6,088 $12,718
Identify Financing and Implementation Options
0.4 1.5 0.0 1.9 $3,336 $3,063 $6,399
1.6 8.5 1.5 11.6 $19,715 $18,102 $37,817

Other Direct Costs



Future Contract with the Town of Foxborough