Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

Transportation Planning Certification Review


10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA

December 10 and 11, 2014


DAY 1: Wednesday, December 10th


8:45-9:00        Introductions & Opening Remarks


9:00-10:30      Metropolitan Planning Process and Key Documents                   

·         Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

·         Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)


10:30-10:45    15-Minute Break


10:45-12:00    Metropolitan Planning Process and Key Documents (cont.)

·         Congestion Management Process (CMP)

·         Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) & Project Programming

o   Connection to other planning documents (LRTP, Capital Investment Plan, Program for Mass Transportation)

o   Project selection and prioritization processes (MPO Target Project selection, etc.)

o   Transit project programming procedures


12:00-1:00      Lunch Break


1:00-2:00        Metropolitan Planning Process and Key Documents (cont.)


2:00-2:30        Coordination and Consultation

·         MPO Governance/Structure

o   Evolution of MPO board structure

o   Transit representation (MBTA, RTAs)


2:30-2:45        15-Minute Break


2:45-4:30        Coordination and Consultation (cont.)

·         Intermodal Transportation Planning Coordination (transit, bicycles, pedestrians, highway, intercity bus, ferry, rail, airports, etc.)

·         Freight Planning

·         Interdisciplinary Consultation (Land Use, Housing, Environment, Economic Development, etc.)

·         Regional Coordination (Adjacent Boston TMA MPOs in MA, NH, RI)



DAY 2: Thursday, December 11th


9:00-10:30      Civil Rights & Non-Discrimination

·         Title VI & Limited English Proficiency

·         Environmental Justice                                                


10:30-10:45    15-Minute Break


10:30-12:00    MPO Public Participation Process and Outreach

·         Periodic assessment of process effectiveness

·         How public input informs the decision-making process


12:00-1:00      Lunch Break


1:00-2:30        Environmental and Climate Impacts of Transportation

·         Air Quality and Congestion Mitigation

o   State Implementation Plan – Transit Commitments

·         Climate Change Mitigation

o   Implementation of GreenDOT/Mode Shift Goals

·         Climate Change Adaptation & Resiliency Planning


2:30-2:45        15-Minute Break


2:45-4:00        Performance-Based Planning and MAP-21

·         MPO Performance-Based Planning Activities

·         Safety Planning

o   Strategic Highway Safety Plan

o   Follow-up to Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Assessment


4:00-4:30        Wrap-up

·         Follow-up questions