DRAFT Public Participation Plan
For the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization
Project Manager
Pam Wolfe
Project Principal
Elizabeth M. Moore
Jane Gillis
Ken Dumas
Cover Design
Jane Gillis
The preparation of this document was supported
by the Federal Highway Administration through
MassDOT 3C PL contract #78890 and the Federal Transit Administration through MassDOT 5303 contract #78922.
Central Transportation Planning Staff
Directed by the Boston Region Metropolitan
Planning Organization. The MPO is composed of
state and regional agencies and authorities, and
local governments.
This draft public participation plan documents the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) Public Participation Program, which comprises the various outreach activities that the MPO engages in to ensure that all members of the public—including populations that are described as traditionally underserved by the transportation system and/or have lacked access to the decision-making process—are given the opportunity to participate in the metropolitan transportation planning process that shapes the Boston region.
This plan provides information about the outreach activities in which the MPO engages, and the ways in which various federal civil rights mandates are incorporated into outreach activities to ensure inclusive participation. The plan includes in-depth descriptions of the various ways the public may be involved, the transportation planning and programming processes, and MPO meetings and activities. Also covered is the annual public engagement schedule for the MPO's three certification documents: Long-Range Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, and Unified Planning Work Program.
This draft plan is an update to the MPO's previous public participation plan, Be Informed, Be Involved. It was developed using information obtained through a public survey and research on other MPO public outreach activities, and it reflects recent changes in information and communication technologies. Following review and approval of this draft by the MPO, it will be released for a 45-day public review process. Then, public comments will be incorporated and a final Plan will be presented to the MPO for endorsement in October, 2014.
Table of Contents
Chapter 2—The Boston Region MPO's, Vision, Function, and Structure
2.2a The Boston Region MPO’s Central Vision
2.2b Work of the Boston Region MPO
2.2c Composition the Boston Region MPO
MPO Staff: the Central Transportation Planning Staff
Chapter 3—The MPO’s Approach to Public Participation
3.1 Federal Requirements for Public Participation
3.2 Updating the Public Participation Plan
3.3 MPO Public Participation Vision and Guidelines
3.4 Opportunities for Public Participation
MPO and MPO Committee Meetings
Regional Transportation Advisory Council
Other Opportunities for Public Participation
3.4d Access to MPO and MPO-Sponsored Meetings
Transportation and Physical Access
3.4e Recent Opportunities for Public Involvement
Chapter 4—Public Participation Schedule and the Transportation Planning Process
4.1 Public Participation Schedule for the TIP and UPWP
4.2 Public Participation Schedule for Changes to Certification Documents
4.2a Amendments to Certification Documents
4.2b Administrative Modification of Certification Documents
4.3 public Participation Schedule for Longer-Time-Horizon Planning
4.3a The Long-Range Transportation Plan
4.3b Federal Recertification Reviews
4.3c The Transportation Equity Program
4.3d Development of the Public Participation Program and Plan
Appendix A—Federal Public Participation Mandates
A.1 Title 23, Section 450 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR)
A.1a §450.316 Interested Parties, Participation, and Consultation
A.2 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
A.3 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Appendix B—MPO Memorandum of Understanding
Appendix C—Research Conducted by MPO Staff
C.1 Research on Public Participation Needs and Practices
C.2 Public Participation Survey
C.3 Research of Other MPO Public Participation Practices
C.3b Public-Involvement Methods and Techniques
Media Used for Information and Notices
Outreach to Protected Populations
Structure and Content of Public-Participation Plans
Graphics and Styles of Public-Participation Plans
C.4 Recommendations for Updating Public Participation Program and Plan
C.5 Issues Related to the Current Public Participation Program
C.5a Practices and Techniques for Public Outreach
Current Practices and Techniques
Ideas for Improving Practices and Techniques
C.5b Outreach to Protected Populations
C.5c Improving Outreach to Protected Populations
C.6 Issues Related to the Current Public Participation Plan
C.6a Format and Function of the Plan
C.7 Summary of Suggestions for Public-Participation Program and Plan Update
Appendix D—MPO-Sponsored Meetings and MPO Meetings Outside of Boston
Table of Figures and Tables
Figure 1 Relationship of MPO Certification Documents to other Transportation Planning Documents
Figure 2 Metropolitan Planning Organization Regions
Figure 3 Boston Region MPO Area and MAPC Subregions
Figure 4 MPO Planning Cycle for Development of Annual Documents and
Public Participation
Table C.1 Summary of Suggestions for the Public-Participation Program
and Plan Update
The purpose of this Public Participation Plan (the Plan) is to describe the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) Public Participation Program (the Program), which comprises the various outreach activities that the MPO engages in to ensure that all members of the public—including populations that have been underserved by the transportation system and/or have lacked access to the decision-making process—are given the opportunity to participate in the metropolitan transportation planning process that shapes the Boston region. The Plan guides the MPO's efforts to offer early, continuous, and meaningful opportunities for the public to help identify social, economic, and environmental impacts of proposed transportation policies, projects, and initiatives.
The Plan incorporates federal and state requirements (listed in Appendix A) for encouraging and ensuring community participation and is modeled on MassDOT’s Public Participation Plan.
Chapter 2—The Boston Region MPO's, Vision, Function, and Structure
In accordance with federal laws and regulations, Metropolitan Planning Organizations are established in urbanized areas across the nation to implement the federally required continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative (3C) transportation planning process. To be continuing, MPO work is conducted on an ongoing basis; to be comprehensive, the work covers all transportation modes, populations, and areas of the region, and addresses their individual needs; and to be cooperative, the work is performed in close communication and consultation with all of the region’s municipalities and a broad base of agencies, organizations, and interest groups.
The purpose of the MPO is to decide how to allocate federal funds for transit, roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian projects in the region it represents. The MPO also is responsible for setting the region’s transportation vision, goals and objectives, and for completing the long- and short-range planning needed to program federal transportation funds.
Nationwide, there are more than 380 MPOs that conduct transportation planning in urbanized areas of more than 50,000 people. Each MPO has five core functions:
The end products of the MPO’s work are represented in studies, reports, technical memoranda, data on transportation issues in the region, and the three federally required certification documents discussed above: the LRTP, TIP, and UPWP. Because each MPO in the country must produce these three major documents in order to be certified by the federal government as eligible to program federal transportation funds, they are called “certification” documents.
These functions and other responsibilities of MPOs are described in federal laws and associated regulations. Transportation planning requirements and specifically the 3C process described earlier, date to the Federal-aid Highway Act of 1962, and are regularly revised. The most recent federal transportation legislation is Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21).
Although all MPOs operate under the same federal guidance, there is great variability among MPOs, based on the geographic and political characteristics of the state and region in which they are located. Each is free to establish its own membership structure and define many other aspects of how it accomplishes its work. The following sections discuss the framework of Boston Region MPO specifically.
The MPO’s central vision, as stated in the MPO’s Long-Range Transportation plan, Paths to a Sustainable Region, both anticipates the future and responds to current needs. This vision has evolved over many years’ engagement in metropolitan transportation planning—a process that includes technical analyses and other studies of transportation needs, as well as soliciting and incorporating the public’s views. Its central vision guides the MPO in all of its work, and paints a picture of the desired, future-state for the region and its transportation network:
The Boston region will continue to be a major economic, educational, and cultural hub of New England. It will maintain its high quality of life based on its lively commercial and business enterprises, the strength of its institutions, and its healthy and pleasant environment, all supported by its well-maintained transportation system. Notably, looking ahead, an ongoing transformation will be taking place in the region’s communities. Increasingly, they will be places in which people can have access to safe, healthy, efficient, and varied transportation options and find jobs and services within easy reach of affordable housing. The transportation options will include the transit, bicycle, and pedestrian modes, among others, and will reduce environmental impacts, improving air and environmental quality. The role of the region’s transportation system in making the envisioned future possible will be a result of attentive maintenance, cost-effective management, and strategic investments in the system by the Boston Region MPO.
As discussed above, the Boston Region MPO is responsible for carrying out the federally required 3C planning process and accomplishing core MPO functions, including development of the three certification documents—the LRTP, TIP, and UPWP.
Figure 1 below depicts how these documents are interrelated and how they connect to other documents developed by the MPO (purple) and by state and regional agencies (red), such as the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA).
Relationship of MPO Certification Documents to other Transportation Planning Documents
Metropolitan Planning Organization Regions
In addition to the work described above, the Boston Region MPO coordinates transportation planning with the four other MPOs in the Boston Urbanized Area: the Merrimack Valley, Northern Middlesex, Old Colony, and Southeastern Massachusetts metropolitan planning organizations. This work is accomplished through periodic meetings of the MPOs in the Urbanized Area. In addition, all MPOs in Massachusetts meet with MassDOT and the federal transportation agencies approximately monthly to coordinate on statewide and MPO transportation planning activities.
A board of 22 state, regional, and municipal members who work cooperatively to make decisions about regional planning and funding priorities comprises the Boston Region MPO. The MPO region encompasses 101 municipalities and approximately 1,205 square miles, stretching from Boston to Ipswich in the north, Duxbury in the south, and to approximately Interstate 495 in the west. It is home to more than three million people and approximately two million jobs. The diverse communities in the MPO area range from relatively rural communities, such as Dover, to the urban centers of Boston and Cambridge. Transportation planning must take into account demographic, cultural, environmental, and mobility diversity.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU, last updated July 7, 2011, see Appendix 2) establishes the MPO’s membership, composition, structure, committees, processes for developing its certification documents, voting rules, and more.
The MPO board also includes two nonvoting members:
The MPO is chaired by the state Secretary of Transportation (or his designee); the vice-chair is currently the Executive Director of MAPC (or his designee).
Boston Region MPO Area and MAPC Subregions
Created in 1974, the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS) serves as a comprehensive, multimodal transportation planning staff to the MPO. As such, it is responsible for carrying out the work of the 3C transportation planning process under the direction of the MPO. This includes authoring planning studies and other analyses that are identified in the UPWP, producing the certification documents, and developing and maintaining technical tools, such as a travel demand model set, that help the MPO conduct its work.
Currently, the MPO has three standing committees that it relies on to fulfill specific functions. The MPO Chair appoints representatives to the committees from among MPO members. Each of the committees reviews issues within its area of responsibility and makes recommendations to the MPO for necessary actions.
Chapter 3—The MPO’s Approach to Public Participation
The Boston Region MPO firmly believes that meaningful public participation should be integral to the organization’s transportation planning work. Public participation improves decision making by helping to illuminate many of the social, economic, and environmental benefits and drawbacks of transportation decisions.
As indicated in the introduction to this document, the MPO’s Program comprises activities the MPO undertakes and materials it produces to facilitate consultation on its planning and programming with all interested parties and members of the public. The Plan is the document (with text and graphics) that explains the Program and provides information about how to become involved in the MPO's transportation decision-making process through Program activities.
As discussed above, public participation is one of the five core functions of an MPO. Federal metropolitan transportation planning rules require MPO public participation plans to:
Other federal legislation, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, also have public participation requirements that MPOs must implement to ensure access to the planning process for protected populations (please see Appendix 1 for a list of federal legislation). To meet these requirements, the MPO takes steps to include people with disabilities, minority and low-income populations, and those with limited English proficiency (LEP), as discussed throughout this Plan.
As indicated above, MPOs develop and update their public participation programs and plans in consultation with members of the public and other interested parties. Staff performs updates as needed, to reflect changes in federal guidance, requirements and regional needs, and improvements in the state of the practice.
The Boston Region MPO approved its previous public participation plan, Be Informed, Be Involved in 2007 and revised it in 2010 and 2012. This document (which is an updated version of Be Informed, Be Involved) reflects changing public participation requirements and practices. Prior to beginning this update, staff sought input from the public through meetings and a survey to gain insight into ways the public likes to be ‘informed and involved.’ Staff also researched other MPOs to study the innovative and effective practices they currently use. Please see Appendix 3 for a full discussion of the survey and research on other MPO practices.
Using the results of the outreach and research discussed above, as well as general awareness of changing communication techniques and technologies, in-house problem solving, and federal guidance, staff identified areas where updates to the MPO’s Program would be beneficial and recommended a number of specific actions and practices that will be adopted, and which are discussed throughout this updated Plan.
To ensure that the Program continues to evolve and reflect the most current and effective methods, MPO staff will adopt a regular, frequent and more rigorous process for gathering data and evaluating the MPO’s outreach practices, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative techniques include tracking the level of attendance at events, number of comments received, and use of the website. Qualitative measures include soliciting feedback from members of the public through surveys (both online and at meetings) about their satisfaction with process and outcome, and sense of fair treatment.
The MPO’s vision for public participation in the region is to hear, value, and consider—throughout its planning and programming work—the views of and feedback from the full spectrum of the public, and use this input in its decision making.
In order to accomplish its vision, the MPO has established a number of public participation guidelines, which have been updated to reflect the insights gained through its recent research. The MPO makes every effort to:
The MPO’s activities and programs—presentations, discussions; various venues for meetings and forums; information on the MPO website; flyers; emails, other notification media, etc.—are designed to meet the preferences and needs of the public.
Primary among the MPO's outreach strategies is its website, which provides comprehensive information about all of the MPO’s work and planning activities, including:
To improve access to, and the appeal of, information on the website, staff will explore the possibility of using an RSS feed to notify interested parties of updated content on the MPO website. To the same end, staff also will use more graphics, including text boxes, relationship and flow charts, and other visualization techniques. MPO staff has developed an internal CTPS Nondiscrimination Handbook that details the practices that staff follow to make the MPO website, and all documents posted on it, accessible.
To ensure web access for people with low or no vision, who use screen readers, all documents are posted in both PDF and HTML. In addition, the MPO makes every effort to make data presented in tables fully navigable by a screen reader and provides alternative text to describe those tables, figures, and images that cannot be read by a screen reader.
To make information more accessible for people with limited English proficiency, the website features a translation function for languages other than English, including Chinese (simplified and traditional), French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. In addition, vital documents are professionally translated into the three most frequently spoken languages other than English in the MPO region (Spanish, Chinese, and Portuguese), and these translated versions are posted on the website. Staff will reevaluate annually whether additional MPO documents should be identified as “vital documents,” to be translated into the languages of policy. Documents currently defined as vital include:
Audio recordings of MPO meetings are posted on the website so that those who cannot attend meetings can listen to the discussions at any time. These recordings also provide easy access to meeting content for individuals with low or no vision or with low literacy.
The MPO utilizes various other tools to keep the public informed, including an extensive email list with almost 3,000 contacts, MPOinfo, through which it sends information to interested individuals and entities. The MPO also has email lists for Transportation Equity, Access Advisory Committee to the MBTA (AACT), the Advisory Council, and interested parties. In general, notices sent via the email lists focus on major MPO milestones, such as certification document amendments or announcements of public comment periods. The MPO staff also has begun sending News Flashes to email list recipients.
MPO staff take comments and respond to questions from individuals who contact them via telephone or email. Individuals with low or no vision or with low literacy will be informed on the website and at meetings that they may submit comments via a recording or staff transcription of their spoken remarks.
For those who are not connected to email or the internet, staff work with public libraries, requesting that they post and/or distribute MPO information.
The MPO hosts a number of meeting and event types at which the public can learn about current MPO activities. Among these are the meetings of the MPO itself, meetings of MPO committees, and various public participation opportunities. One purpose of these meetings is to present and discuss information, solicit feedback, or gather input from the public on specific topics or plans, in order to inform transportation planning and programming decisions for the region. The other primary purpose is to provide an open and constructive context in which those decisions are made by MPO members.
The MPO typically meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 10:00 AM. Most meetings are at the State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, in Boston; however, once a quarter, the MPO convenes its meeting off site in one of the MPO municipalities.
MPO meetings follow the general process below, which includes opportunities for public comment:
The three MPO standing committees, UPWP, CMP, and A&F meet as needed. As with MPO meetings, these committee meetings usually are at the State Transportation Building, either before or after an MPO meeting. However, when necessary, committee meetings may be held off site in conjunction with an MPO meeting. Committee meetings are also open to the public.
To extend the public’s ability to provide input to the MPO, staff will research, and if possible, create a mechanism for submitting public comments on MPO agenda items in advance of meetings.
The Regional Transportation Advisory Council (Advisory Council) is an independent transportation public advisory committee that is an active and voting member of the MPO. The primary function of the Advisory Council is to advise the MPO on transportation policy and planning. Advisory Council meetings provide an ongoing avenue for public participation that invites informed involvement. The Advisory Council’s members are municipalities, professional organizations, transportation advocacy groups, and state and regional agencies. The chair of the Advisory Council is elected by its members.
The Advisory Council provides advice to the MPO on a broad range of issues and may discuss topics that do not always exactly track those of the MPO meetings. Advisory Council meetings are designed to foster broad-based and robust discussions on transportation issues and topics related to planning and programming. Meetings are held each month, generally on the second Wednesday, at 3:00 PM in the State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, Boston.
Advisory Council meetings adhere to the same general process as MPO meetings. Although the agendas do not routinely include a specific item for public comment, at the discretion of the Chair, members of the public who are not Advisory Council members are allowed to speak and ask questions.
As part of its Program, the MPO sponsors a variety of public-engagement opportunities, convened and managed by MPO staff. The purpose of these meetings is to provide information about MPO work underway and gather information and views from members of the public. Therefore, they are designed for as much interaction as possible among all in attendance.
The MPO often holds public meetings in areas with high concentrations of minority, low-income, and/or LEP populations to facilitate their inclusion. In addition, staff consult with personnel in host municipalities to learn about particular cultural or language issues that should be recognized and respected when planning and operating the meeting (for example, dates of community celebrations or observations and/or cultural preferences or restrictions).
MPO staff schedule workshop-type meetings in public venues in municipalities all throughout the MPO region. These workshops are set to coincide with the public review of the draft certification documents, typically in May or June every year. Other MPO documents and programs also may be discussed.
Often the workshops include brief presentations followed by question-and-answer sessions. Subsequently, there are opportunities for one-on-one interaction between members of the public and MPO staff. Workshop formats may follow an exhibit-style format, with tables, staffed by program managers, set up for each major topic on the agenda. Participants are invited to move from topic to topic as their interest guides. Materials may be in any number of communications vehicles: print, large print, web based, PowerPoint slides, table-top display boards, maps, etc.
The MPO staff regularly conducts informational meetings at its offices in the State Transportation Building in Boston, which is a central location for the region. The Program’s practice is to hold these quarterly.
Session topics include current MPO activities, such as development of the certification documents and updates on other MPO ongoing programs, but also may include detailed presentations and discussions about the results of MPO studies and reports. The format generally consists of presentations by program and project managers, followed by questions and answers. Staff is available after the presentations for individual follow-up discussion with meeting participants.
MPO staff conduct some public meetings (still open to all) whose topics are geared to persons who prepare their municipality’s or other entity’s official inputs to the TIP and UPWP development processes. Staff make presentations on the current year’s certification document process and discuss any changes from previous years, followed by questions and answers. After the presentations, staff are available for a roll-up-the-sleeves style working session with individual participants.
MPO staff collaborate with other entities to convene regional forums on important topics. Forums are focused on issues of interest to particular constituencies and generally feature a panel of expert speakers with time for questions and answers; sometimes followed by breakout sessions in which small groups of participants may have more intimate discussions. The purpose is to foster communication and cooperation among disparate entities that deal with the issue under discussion, and to look for new solutions to existing problems. These meetings usually are held at the State Transportation Building.
The MPO occasionally brings together agencies and other entities to seek their input on specialized aspects of important topics in the metropolitan transportation planning process. Past special topic discussions dealt with transportation-equity and environmental issues.
In addition to the meeting opportunities discussed above, the MPO provides a number of other ways for the public to be involved in the planning process:
From time to time, the MPO conducts surveys to learn the views of members of the public on targeted topics. Respondents submit their ideas via survey tools on the MPO website. Staff present the survey results to the MPO.
Members of the public can submit questions, comments, and ideas to the MPO and its staff via this email address. Staff reply to these queries and use information provided, as applicable. This email address is listed on meeting flyers and other MPO outreach materials.
The MPO website houses a general comment section that viewers can reach from any page on the site. Using this function, members of the public are invited to submit a comment on any topic. Comments are directed to the appropriate staff-level program manager, who will respond to the comments and use this input, as appropriate. Comments submitted during a formal comment period for a document under review, and their associated staff responses, are summarized and reported to the MPO.
The Metropolitan Area Planning Council has divided the municipalities in its area (which coincides exactly with the Boston Region MPO area) into eight subregions. The subregions convene their member municipalities regularly to discuss topics related to land use, urban and community planning, issues of general interest to local and regional planners, and transportation. MAPC and MPO staff attend meetings as needed to discuss pertinent MPO activities, schedules, and issues and to gather the subregions’ and their municipalities’ views and priorities.
In order to provide additional opportunities for public engagement, MPO staff will look for ways to collaborate with MAPC on specially targeted public outreach activities.
MPO staff asks transportation advocacy groups, professional organizations, transportation-equity organizations, and other such groups to invite staff to attend their regularly scheduled meetings to discuss transportation issues that are important to them. MPO staff make presentations, answer questions, and gather comments at these meetings. Staff will work to increase the number of “Invite-Us-Over” speaker events in order to bolster the MPO’s visibility and heighten the effectiveness of such events as an outreach strategy.
The MPO provides notification of meetings through the calendar on its website. MPO, MPO Committee, and Regional Transportation Advisory Council meeting agendas and materials are posted on the MPO’s website a week in advance of the meeting, except in cases of emergency or other constrained circumstances.
MPO-sponsored meetings and sessions also are posted on the website calendar, and usually include a flyer announcing the day, time, and location of the gathering and the topics to be discussed. These flyers are translated into the three most commonly spoken languages other than English in the MPO region: Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese. Links to related documents may be included under the meeting’s entry.
Meeting notifications also are provided in the TRANSreport calendar section. Flyers (as described above) are sent via the MPOinfo, Transportation Equity, and AACT email lists, as well as to Advisory Council members and contact lists of other interested parties.
The MPO works to make all meetings accessible to all members of the public, regardless of their transportation alternatives, mobility limitations, or language skills. The CTPS Nondiscrimination Handbook described earlier also contains protocols to ensure physical access to meeting venues.
All MPO-sponsored meetings are held in locations that are accessible to people with disabilities and are near public transportation.
To ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities, locations for meetings held outside the State Transportation Building are selected through a process that includes an on-site review of the meeting facilities. As part of this review, staff use an accessibility checklist with a list of physical characteristics that are necessary to accommodate individuals with a variety of mobility limitations.
When selecting meeting venues, staff consult the MPO's Language Assistance Plan (LAP), which was developed as part of the Title VI program. The LAP identifies location of LEP populations; provides information regarding languages into which materials may need to be translated, based on the meeting location; and describes the language services that will be provided.
In keeping with FTA Title VI requirements, the MPO has prepared a summary of all public-involvement meetings since the last triennial Title VI Program submission. This summary, found in Appendix 4, includes MPO-sponsored public meetings and forums that were held specifically for the purpose of public participation, and MPO meetings that were held outside of Boston.
Not listed are the regularly scheduled Boston meetings of the MPO, the three MPO standing committees, the Advisory Council, and AACT (which is funded and staffed by the MPO). All of these meetings are open to the public and provide opportunities for public input, as discussed above.
Chapter 4—Public Participation Schedule and the Transportation Planning Process
Work for the metropolitan transportation planning process is underway all year. This includes developing the certification documents and the other programs and studies conducted as part of the process. Development of the certification documents follows established cycles as depicted in Figure 4. Public outreach to support this work follows the same cycles. The MPO makes the public aware of the details of each year’s public participation timeframes at the beginning of the federal fiscal year to assure predictability for those who wish to participate in the transportation planning process. Public participation opportunities for other MPO programs, such as Transportation Equity, and some studies occur throughout the year, as needed.
MPO Planning Cycle for Development of Annual Documents and Public Participation
At the beginning of each federal fiscal year, the MPO develops and posts its schedule of certification activities, laying out its plans for developing the certification documents due in that year and for conducting the other planning work scheduled to be accomplished.
The development of the TIP and UPWP typically move forward in tandem on the following schedule:
MPO staff reviews and updates evaluation criteria for TIP projects and the emphasis areas used to help evaluate new UPWP studies. The development program for the documents—the approach to data collection, analyses to be conducted, and steps and activities to inform and involve the public—also is formulated.
April through Mid-May:
Mid-May to Mid-June:
End of June:
The MPO endorses a final version of both documents; after they are finalized, documents are submitted to the federal agencies for their review and approval
October 1:
The approved documents go into effect at the beginning of the federal fiscal year
The certification documents are dynamic—they can be modified or amended to reflect changes made throughout the course of a typical federal fiscal year, for example: revisions to project scopes; changes in cost; new project schedules; new projects added or programmed projects removed. These changes are made through the processes of administrative modification or amendment.
For the TIP, consistent with federal guidelines, if a project is valued at $5 million or less, the threshold for defining a change to the project as an amendment is a change of $500,000 or more. The threshold for projects valued at greater than $5 million is 10 percent or more of the project value. Changes below these thresholds may be considered administrative modifications. Any changes to the LRTP generally are considered amendments. Changes to the UPWP are infrequent; however, the addition or deletion of an MPO-funded study or program likely would trigger an amendment.
Amendments to any of the three certification documents—LRTP, TIP, and UPWP—follow the same public process, as described below.
When the MPO considers amending one of its certification documents it votes to do so at an MPO meeting. The proposed draft amendment then is posted on the MPO’s website and a 30-day public comment period begins.
The Advisory Council and affected municipalities and constituencies are notified of pending amendments to inform them about the proposed changes, when and where decisions will be made, and how they can provide comments. The MPO informs members of the public by posting notices of pending amendments on the MPO website and distributes the notices through its email lists. The MPO also informs TIP Contacts and proponents of affected projects.
In extraordinary circumstances, such as an unforeseen regulatory requirement or funding deadline, the MPO may vote to shorten the 30-day public comment period by as much as 15 days. In emergency circumstances, such as the need to take immediate action to protect public safety or take advantage of an extraordinary funding opportunity, the comment period may be waived.
A public comment period will be extended an additional 15 days if a proposed amendment is significantly altered during the initial public comment period. An additional comment period of 30 days will be scheduled if a significant alteration occurs after the close of the initial public comment period.
Public comments are collected by MPO staff, and relayed to the MPO in both a summary form and in full text, as submitted. MPO members consider these comments as they decide what action to take regarding the proposed amendment.
Changes to a certification documents that do not rise to the level of an amendment may be addressed through an administrative modification. The MPO may decide to make an administrative modification without issuing a public comment period, though one may be scheduled, at the MPO’s discretion. If one is scheduled, public notification follows the same process that is used for amendments.
There are many activities at the MPO that have longer or less predictable time horizons. The public participation schedules for these events are, therefore, tailored to the specific event and its timing.
The Long-Range Transportation Plan is updated every four years, although some LRTP work is underway all year, every year. The most significant public participation takes place during the fourth year, leading up to endorsement of the LRTP update. Although the public participation schedule is different for the LRTP, it follows the same general sequence used for the TIP and UPWP, and if possible public participation activities for the LRTP are coordinated with TIP and UPWP outreach.
Federal recertification reviews also are conducted every four years. At this time, the federal transportation agencies evaluate the programs and activities of the MPO to determine whether they are in keeping with the required 3C process. If so, the federal agencies certify that the MPO is operating as it should. A recertification review is conducted, typically over the course of a work week, in a series of public sessions. Members of the public are invited to attend and participate. They also are invited to submit written comments before and during the review sessions. The federal agencies may contact certain parties to hear their views on MPO programming and operations, including public participation. The material prepared for the recertification review and the report of the federal agencies is posted on the MPO’s website. The most recent recertification review was conducted in July 2010.
The MPO’s Transportation Equity program is ongoing all year long. This program is the MPO’s method of consulting with low-income and minority residents, and with groups representing their interests, and those of the elderly, youth, and persons with limited English proficiency in order to identify the transportation needs of these populations and promote their involvement in the planning process.
The program focuses on outreach to organizations serving environmental-justice areas in the region and their umbrella organizations. These organizations and other community contacts are involved in, and knowledgeable about, the transportation issues and needs of their areas. Contacts include social-service organizations, community-development corporations, regional employment boards, civic groups, business and labor organizations, transportation advocates, environmental groups, and environmental-justice and civil-rights groups.
The MPO also has begun communicating with the Statewide Mobility Management Program and its Regional Coordinating Council. The MPO’s process for working with these organizations consists of conducting surveys, holding forums to facilitate inter-organizational communication and problem solving, holding regional and local meetings, and sharing information.
Transportation equity is also a frequent topic at MPO workshops and information sessions. In addition to soliciting public feedback at these events, staff conducts surveys to seek input from persons living in environmental-justice neighborhoods and from the transportation-equity contacts.
The MPO reviews the Program’s progress and effectiveness on an ongoing basis, and updates both the Program and Plan accordingly. Updates are performed as needed to reflect changes in federal guidance, requirements and regional needs, and improvements in the state of the practice, and occur in consultation with members of the public and other interested parties.
Outreach for this update of the Plan was conducted in the spring of 2013 in tandem with MPO outreach of the draft TIP and UPWP; and discussions were held at two public workshops and two “Be Informed, Be Involved Sessions.” In addition, the MPO conducted surveys through its email lists, contact lists, TRANSreport, and website. As discussed elsewhere in this document, information from the public outreach helped guide the recommendations for change that are reflected in this draft Plan.
After the MPO reviews this draft Plan, staff will incorporate MPO comments and request approval to begin a 45-day public-review period. Subsequently, the draft Plan will be posted on the MPO website and presented to the Advisory Council. Staff will then conduct public meetings and a web-based survey to gather additional public input. At the end of the public-comment period, staff will incorporate feedback received and finalize the updated Program and Plan for MPO endorsement.
Appendix A—Federal Public Participation Mandates
The federal regulations concerning public participation in metropolitan transportation planning decision making are specified in Title 23, Section 450.316, of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These regulations require that public-involvement processes be proactive and provide complete information, timely public notice, full public access to key decisions, and opportunities for early and continuing involvement; they leave the choice of methods for facilitating participation to the discretion of each MPO. The regulations specify that public participation processes must provide:
This section specifies the public participation requirements for MPO planning studies and project development.
This section specifies the public participation requirements for the development and content of the MPO's LRTP.
This section specifies the public participation requirements for the development and content of the MPO's TIP.
This section specifies that MPOs certify at least every four years that the metropolitan transportation planning process is being carried out in accordance with all applicable requirements including:
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 states that “no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity.” Therefore, ADA requires that locations for public participation activities, as well as the information presented, must be accessible to persons with disabilities.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, together with related statutes and regulations, provides that “no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” The entire institution, whether educational, private or governmental, must comply with Title VI and related federal civil rights laws, not just the program or activity receiving federal funds.
FTA C 4702.1B (2012), Title VI Requirements and Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients, provides guidance on promoting inclusive public participation. This circular recommends seeking out and considering the viewpoints of minority, low-income, and LEP populations when conducting public outreach and involvement activities. It identifies the following effective practices for fulfilling the inclusive public participation requirement:
Executive orders and regulations regarding environmental justice (EJ) also include public participation mandates for recipients of federal funds and their subrecipients.
This executive order states that “each Federal agency shall make achieving environmental justice part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and low-income populations.” Traditionally underserved groups such as low-income and minority populations must be identified and given increased opportunity for involvement in order to ensure effective participation.
This executive order requires that recipients of federal financial aid ensure that their programs and activities that are normally provided in English are accessible to persons with limited English proficiency.
The purpose of this circular is to provide recipients and subrecipients of FTA financial assistance with guidance in order to incorporate EJ principles into their plans, projects, and activities. The circular identifies full and fair participation by all potentially affected communities in the transportation decision-making process as one of the guiding principles of EJ. The circular provides strategies and techniques for public engagement that are intended to help recipients and subrecipients identify the needs and priorities of EJ populations to inform the planning process and help balance the benefits and burdens of transportation decisions.
Appendix B—MPO Memorandum of Understanding
The MPO's Memorandum of Understanding can be accessed via the website at: http://www.ctps.org/Drupal/data/html/about/mpo/Boston_Region_MPO_MOU_2011.html
Appendix C—Research Conducted by MPO Staff
This appendix contains information about public-participation research conducted by MPO staff, and ideas for potential changes to the MPO's Public Participation Program (the Program) and Public Participation Plan (the Plan), which stemmed from that research. Also included is a discussion of the MPO's current public-participation practices, along with the full set of possible changes that were considered for the update to the Plan.
MPO staff recently completed two types of research to gain a more in-depth understanding of the public’s needs regarding its involvement in the transportation-planning process, and to uncover interesting ideas that the MPO could consider incorporating into its Plan in the future.
Staff designed a survey to gather information from the public about the effectiveness of the MPO’s current outreach program, and collect ideas about how it might be improved. The survey comprised both multiple-choice and open-ended questions.
Below are the questions that were included in the survey:
What are your preferred methods for receiving MPO news? (Check all that apply.)
What are your preferred methods of providing input to the MPO? (Check all that apply.)
If you have provided comments to the MPO in the past, do you feel that your voice has been heard?
Why do you feel that way?
What aspects of the MPO would you like more information about? (Check all that apply.)
What can the MPO do to raise awareness and improve its outreach program?
How did you learn about this survey?
The survey was available online and in print format; it was distributed via MPOinfo, the MPO’s email list, and in print at Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) subregion meetings and MPO outreach events during May and June 2013. MPO staff organized and analyzed the 74 surveys received.
Below is a summary of the survey responses, with the number of replies in parentheses. For the multiple-choice questions (numbers 1 through 4 and 6), there were several choices that respondents selected repeatedly. For the one open-ended question (number 5), we present the most often-stated responses, as well as some other interesting suggestions.
These results emphasize the importance of email and the website in public involvement. They also indicate preferences for information in succinct formats and for quick, interactive ways to exchange information (such as surveys).
In July and August 2013, MPO staff conducted research on the public-participation programs and plans of five MPOs that are somewhat comparable to the Boston Region MPO in size and characteristics, including:
The purpose of the research was to learn what public-participation methods these MPOs use, and to examine the kinds of information they include in their plans and how they present it.
This research identified some interesting ways that the selected MPOs communicate and consult with agencies, officials, and all other interested parties. Below are listed some of those methods, some of which the Boston Region MPO currently uses or may wish to use in its updated Program. We include notes on these practices, their characteristics, and functions in parentheses.
Through its research on other MPOs, staff also found interesting approaches to reaching protected populations that the Boston MPO could incorporate into its own Plan:
The MPOs studied utilize various types of information in their public-participation plans, including the topics below.
MPOs also sometimes prepare companion documents to their public-participation plans. One example is a citizen guide that explains topics of general importance, such as background on the MPO, and information about funding sources and document-development processes. Also, some MPOs prepare annual reports highlighting MPO achievements.
An MPO’s public-participation plan is itself a tool that can encourage transportation stakeholders to learn about and interact with the MPO; therefore, the plan content should be informative, clear, and visually appealing. MPO staff analyzed public-participation plan designs along with their content, and found that plans were made more communicative through the use of the following graphics and styles:
The MPO’s current Plan, Be Informed, Be Involved, includes:
Staff has analyzed all aspects of the current Plan to identify areas that need improvement. Below, we present the identified areas and ideas for updating both the Program and Plan. These ideas have come from the research discussed above, as well as through observations of current practice, and recommendations from the federal agencies and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT).
The MPO’s current Program utilizes a mix of outreach practices and techniques, which have proved effective with all of the interested parties the MPO consults with, listens to, and strives to keep informed. Using results of the research discussed above, awareness of changing practices, and in-house problem solving, staff identified areas where changes in the MPO’s Program would be beneficial
Accordingly, staff recommended that the MPO consider changes to its Program that would:
The MPO’s current public-outreach practices include:
Through the update to its Program, the MPO sees opportunities to allow or encourage the public to engage with MPO documents, information, and decision-making processes in an interactive way. Based on the survey results, staff’s research, and considering MPO resources, there are a number of ways the MPO could enhance its Program:
Since the current Plan was written, the MPO has adopted many outreach practices related to: Title VI, ADA, and other civil rights executive orders, regulations, and guidance that prohibits discrimination and facilitates the full participation of all, particularly populations that are considered to be “traditionally underserved” by former public outreach practices. Although these processes are now a part of the Program, they have not been documented in the Plan.
MPO practices are, for the most part, consistent with those recommended by MassDOT, whose public-participation plan was recently approved (and commended) by the Federal Highway Administration; however, there are several additional practices that staff have explored that could enhance the ability of the MPO to reach populations that have traditionally been hard to engage, such as people with limited English proficiency. As a result, staff recommends the MPO add the following practices to its Program:
For all MPO and MPO-sponsored meetings:
As a matter of general practice:
The format and structure of the current MPO Plan has become outdated, as communication styles and methods of obtaining information have changed. Today, many people prefer visiting a website and reading on their computers, smart phones, or other mobile devices. If they want some section of the material in hard copy, they print it themselves. Because good graphics communicate information effectively and quickly, they value information presented in graphical form.
The MPO’s current Plan, Be Informed, Be Involved, was intended to be read as a printed booklet that would provide the reader with all the information necessary to understand the MPO Program, along with ways to be informed and be involved. Although primarily text based, the current Plan utilizes photographs, maps, and other graphics as visualization tools to help understand the Program and its activities.
The Plan is posted in PDF and HTML on the MPO website, and staff prepares a small number of printed copies of this document to take to outreach sessions.
Several aspects of the current Plan are outdated or underperforming; for example, the current Plan is:
Most agencies and organizations use their websites as their primary method of communication. At the Boston Region MPO, the website already houses information about almost every aspect of the MPO and serves as an interactive, multi-dimensional communications vehicle with constantly growing and evolving capabilities for gathering, housing, and distributing information. The website is a powerful tool, which the MPO should use to maximum advantage to accomplish public-participation goals.
Staff suggests two main ideas for improving the format and function of the Plan:
These two concepts would address the current Plan drawbacks listed above and inform the public in a way that:
In addition, staff suggests these visual improvements, which would enhance web-based Plan content:
Plan information and graphics presented on the web could be transformed into modular marketing materials to replace the current booklet format. In this form, topics could be updated individually to stay current, without reproducing the entire booklet.
The following table summarizes the suggestions presented above. Items in the table are coded by suggestion type:
Summary of Suggestions for the Public-Participation Program and Plan Update
Type/ Number |
A. 1 |
Seek to partner with the Advisory Council to sponsor forums on MPO/ RTAC defined topics and questions |
The Advisory Council is a primary arm of public involvement for the MPO; to generate useful public input to the MPO for its decision making |
Plan special Advisory Council/ MPO forums in collaboration with MPO; seek involvement of a broad set of Advisory Council and MPO-related participants
At least one a year |
A. 2 |
Collaborate with MAPC on specially targeted public outreach events |
Invite MAPC to partner with the MPO in one or two major outreach events per year; to reach a broader set of participants; improve effectiveness of MPO outreach; incorporate new techniques
Work with MAPC (and possibly other partners) to plan one or two forums or special topic discussions |
One or two events per year |
A. 3 |
Conduct more evaluations of public-participation program effectiveness
Important to know how well the Program is performing and where improvements are needed |
Implement a more rigorous program of data collection and a regular schedule for evaluations |
Data collection, ongoing; evaluations, annually |
A. 4 |
Post more News Flashes; cover more topics |
Use the website and News Flashes as the initial media for MPO news and convert them to other media for broad distribution; to interest and inform the public
Prepare News Flashes related to major actions at MPO, Advisory Council and AACT meetings; invite participation; feature MPO-funded products |
Ongoing |
A. 5 |
Send more press releases on MPO activities |
Use the MPO’s News Flashes as the basis for short press releases; to increase opportunities for media coverage and public participation
Expand News Flash text into press release format and distribute through MPOmedia |
Ongoing |
A 6 |
Encourage forwarding of email notices and News Flash postings |
Sensitize recipients to importance of forwarding MPO notices and updates; to expand distribution of MPO notices to involve new parties
Incorporate text into all MPOinfo messages that encourages recipients to forward notices |
Ongoing |
A. 7 |
Track publication of MPO news |
Explore which organizations are publishing MPO news; to gauge effectiveness and know where there are gaps in outreach
Research cost of tracking publication of MPO news; if feasible, plan and implement a program |
Ongoing |
A. 8 |
Seek help from MassDOT media office |
MassDOT is in frequent contact with the media and may have useful ideas for MPO communications; to improve publication of MPO news |
Meet with MassDOT media office |
Early each fiscal year, coinciding with MPO public outreach for new documents
A. 9 |
Work with public libraries to encourage them to make MPO information available |
The MPO no longer mails printed materials unless specifically requested; to elicit public library support in printing and posting notices and TRANSreport |
Conduct outreach to regional consortiums of public libraries, explaining the work of the MPO and the role libraries could play in the public-information and participation process
One-time initial outreach to libraries; Ongoing communication |
A. 10 |
Use an RSS feed |
Research using an RSS feed to alert parties of new News Flash postings; attract more interest; share more information
Staff will research using RSS feed |
Initial research, and if promising, a trial period before implementation |
A. 11 |
Facilitate and accept public comment before MPO meetings |
Solicit comment (possibly through links on the calendar page for each MPO meeting) in advance of meetings; to use the website to collect input and bring it directly into MPO meetings
Collect comments prior to MPO meeting and submit to Chair for reading into the record during public-comment time |
With every MPO meeting (bi-monthly, usually) |
A. 12 |
Create more surveys on the MPO website |
Use surveys more frequently to gather public input; to increase website use as a tool for public input |
Identify survey topics based on upcoming MPO planning and decision making |
Approximately four per year |
A. 13 |
Update website for improved LEP accessibility |
Post MPO vital documents and accessibility statement more prominently; to facilitate LEP and other Title-VI-related persons’ access to MPO information and processes
Review and implement |
One update |
A. 14 |
Use more graphics |
Improve communication through graphical representation of processes and information; to communicate more clearly and facilitate translation
Convert narratives in Plan to graphics |
For initial Program and Plan updates and as future practice |
A. 15 |
Increase use of MPO’s “Invite Us Over” speaker program |
Promote work of the MPO and offer Staff’s participation at an organization’s meeting; to provide a participant-convenient venue and format and reach new and members of the public
Consider creating a spot on the MPO’s website listing topics and personnel to be contacted to schedule a presentation/ discussion at a regularly scheduled meeting of an organization |
Ongoing |
F. 1. |
Have the website function as an online alternative to the printed public participation plan and an easy point of access to other MPO content on the website |
Break the information in the Plan into basic components and use the Public Involvement webpage as a portal to access each; to give the public more direct access to information, to better keep the Plan current and dynamic, and use contemporary methods
Prepare topic modules for revised Public Involvement webpage |
Reorganization and to post material will be one-time project; updating will be ongoing |
F. 2. |
Prepare topic modules as meeting handouts and easily updated informational materials |
Create individual topic pieces for each of the major Program components; these will be easy to update and use individually, as needed
Prepare topic materials |
Creating materials will be a one-time project; updating will be ongoing |
F. 3 |
Present most key information in graphical form |
Graphical depictions of MPO processes and other information will be created to post on the website and use at MPO-sponsored meetings; to support clarity and simplicity of information, facilitate communication with LEP populations
Prepare graphics and tables to explain MPO processes and other information; these can be translated for LEP populations |
Design will be one-time project; updating will be ongoing |
T. 1 |
Translate the vital MPO documents |
Regulations require vital documents be identified and translated into the languages indicated by the Four Factor Analysis |
Translate vital documents into the languages of policy for posting on the website; use the Four Factor Analysis to determine other languages, based on the location for MPO or MPO-sponsored meetings
Initial translation of vital documents will be one-time project; annual update of documents and translations will be conducted each September; translation of meeting notices and document summaries will be done as needed
T. 2 |
Conduct a triennial Four-Factor Analysis and apply results to MPO ongoing meeting and outreach planning |
See above |
Develop a protocol for using the Four Factor Analysis for ongoing operations |
Reviews for translations will be conducted in planning for each meeting
T. 3 |
Consult with local leaders on language needs and cultural issues for each MPO-sponsored meeting outside of the State Transportation Building |
Conversations with local leader(s) in vicinity of a planned meeting can provide insights on particular needs that would facilitate public participation; to encourage and facilitate participation by all members of the public
Ask a local leader when planning a meeting outside of the STB |
Ongoing, for each meeting outside of STB |
T. 4 |
Use audio recording devices to collect oral comments |
People with low or no vision or low literacy may be encouraged to make comments if they could be submitted orally; to facilitate public participation
Provide this capability at each MPO and MPO-sponsored meeting |
Ongoing, for each meeting |
T. 5 |
Post translations of meeting and other notifications on website |
Posting translated versions of notices would eliminate a step for an LEP person seeking opportunities to participate; to facilitate participation by LEP persons
Standardly post translations of meeting notifications (in the three primary languages other than English) on the website |
Ongoing, for each meeting outside of STB |
T. 6 |
Make large-format versions of key meeting materials available |
Support accessibility of information provided at public meetings; to facilitate participation
Implement a standard practice of bringing three copies of large-format documents to meetings |
Ongoing |
AACT Access Advisory Committee to the MBTA. LEP limited English [language] proficiency. MAPC Metropolitan Area Planning Council. MassDOT Massachusetts Department of Transportation. MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization. P3 Public-Participation Program and Plan. RSS Rich Site Summary [feeds]. RTAC Regional Transportation Advisory Council. STB State Transportation Building.
Appendix D—MPO-Sponsored Meetings and MPO Meetings Outside of Boston
EJ and/or LEP Community |
8-Feb-11 |
Peabody |
No |
TIP-Building Workshop |
TIP development |
10-Feb-11 |
Saugus |
No |
Regional Transportation Needs Assessment Workshop |
MPO's draft needs assessment, Transportation needs |
15-Feb-11 |
Needham |
No |
Regional Transportation Needs Assessment Workshop |
MPO's draft needs assessment, Transportation needs |
15-Feb-11 |
Framingham |
Yes |
TIP-Building Workshop |
TIP development |
16-Feb-11 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
TIP-Building Workshop |
TIP development |
16-Feb-11 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
Regional Transportation Needs Assessment Workshop |
MPO's draft needs assessment, Transportation needs |
22-Feb-11 |
Hingham |
No |
TIP-Building Workshop |
TIP development |
23-Feb-11 |
Boston |
Yes |
Transportation Equity Special Topic Discussion |
Transportation needs of low income and minority residents in the region |
21-Apr-11 |
Boston |
Yes |
MPO Structure Workshop |
MPO's MOU, MPO membership |
27-Apr-11 |
Lynn |
Yes |
MPO Structure Workshop |
MPO's MOU, MPO membership |
2-May-11 |
Framingham |
Yes |
MPO Structure Workshop |
MPO's MOU, MPO membership |
15-Jun-11 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
MPO Structure Workshop |
MPO's MOU, MPO membership |
21-Jun-11 |
Waltham |
Yes |
MPO Structure Workshop |
MPO's MOU, MPO membership |
22-Jun-11 |
Braintree |
No |
MPO Structure Workshop |
MPO's MOU, MPO membership |
26-Jul-11 |
Boston |
Yes |
Environmental Special Topic Discussion on LRTP |
Consultation among MPO and state and federal environmental agencies on LRTP |
3-Aug-11 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
MPO Open House |
Draft LRTP, Draft FFYs 2012-15 TIP, Draft FFY 2012 UPWP, Livability Program |
24-Aug-11 |
Boston |
Yes |
General Workshop |
Draft LRTP, Draft FFYs 2012-15 TIP |
31-Aug-11 |
Bedford |
No |
General Workshop |
Draft LRTP, Draft FFYs 2012-15 TIP |
7-Sep-11 |
Norwood |
No |
General Workshop |
Draft LRTP, Draft FFYs 2012-15 TIP |
12-Oct-11 |
Boston |
Yes |
Candidates Forum |
Meet candidates for MPO municipal members election |
12-Jan-12 |
Winchester |
No |
TIP-Building Workshop |
TIP development |
18-Jan-12 |
Canton |
No |
TIP-Building Workshop |
TIP development |
25-Jan-12 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
MPO Open House |
Introduction to MPO, TIP development, UPWP development |
1-Mar-12 |
Beverly |
No |
Regular MPO Meeting (Outside Boston) |
MPO topics typical of regular meetings |
15-May-12 |
Melrose |
No |
General Workshop |
Draft FFYs 2013-16 TIP and FFY 2013 UPWP |
22-May-12 |
Randolph |
Yes |
General Workshop |
Draft FFYs 2013-16 TIP and FFY 2013 UPWP |
23-May-12 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
General Workshop |
Draft FFYs 2013-16 TIP and FFY 2013 UPWP |
6-Jun-12 |
Woburn |
No |
General Workshop |
Draft Amendment to LRTP |
7-Jun-12 |
Lexington |
No |
Regular MPO Meeting (outside Boston) |
MPO topics typical of regular meetings |
12-Jun-12 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
General Workshop |
Draft Amendment to LRTP |
20-Sep-12 |
Newton |
No |
Regular MPO Meeting (Outside Boston) |
MPO topics typical of regular meetings |
6-Dec-12 |
Norwood |
No |
Regular MPO Meeting (Outside Boston) |
MPO topics typical of regular meetings |
11-Dec-12 |
Quincy |
Yes |
TIP and UPWP Building Workshop |
TIP and UPWP development |
13-Dec-12 |
Everett |
Yes |
TIP and UPWP Building Workshop |
TIP and UPWP development |
16-Jan-13 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
Be Informed, Be Involved |
Planning Schedule, Needs around Region, UPWP and TIP Development |
7-Mar-13 |
Braintree |
No |
Regular MPO Meeting (outside Boston) |
MPO topics typical of regular meetings |
29-May-13 |
Lynn |
Yes |
General Workshop |
Draft FFYs 2014-17 TIP and FFY 2014 UPWP, Transportation needs of EJ residents, Public Participation Plan |
30-May-13 |
Framingham |
Yes |
General Workshop |
Draft FFYs 2014-17 TIP and FFY 2014 UPWP, Transportation needs of EJ residents, Public Participation Plan |
5-Jun-13 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
General Workshop |
Draft FFYs 2014-17 TIP and FFY 2014 UPWP, Transportation needs of EJ residents, Public Participation Plan |
6-Jun-13 |
Woburn |
No |
Regular MPO Meeting (outside Boston) |
MPO topics typical of regular meetings |
16-Jul-13 |
Norwood |
No |
General Workshop |
Proposed Canton Interchange Project, Amendment Two of LRTP |
17-Oct-13 |
Framingham |
Yes |
Regular MPO Meeting (outside Boston) |
MPO topics typical of regular meetings |
3-Dec-13 |
Dedham |
No |
TIP and UPWP Development, Be Informed/Be Involved |
TIP and UPWP development, Transportation needs |
5-Dec-13 |
Franklin |
No |
Regular MPO Meeting (outside Boston) |
MPO topics typical of regular meetings |
11-Dec-13 |
Chelsea |
Yes |
TIP and UPWP Development, Be Informed/Be Involved |
TIP and UPWP development, Transportation needs |
7-Jan-14 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
Be Informed, Be Involved |
TIP and UPWP development, Transportation priorities |
14-Jan-14 |
Boston |
Yes |
Human Services and Equity in Transportation Forum |
Human Services and Equity in Transportation |
6-Mar-14 |
Melrose |
No |
Regular MPO Meeting (outside Boston) |
MPO topics typical of regular meetings |
5-Jun-14 |
Salem |
Yes |
Regular MPO Meeting (outside Boston) |
MPO topics typical of regular meetings |
12-Jun-14 |
Reading |
No |
TIP and UPWP Workshop |
Draft FFYs 2015-2018 TIP and FFY 2015 UPWP, Transportation needs |
17-Jun-14 |
Boston (2/ Park Plaza) |
Yes |
TIP and UPWP Workshop |
Draft FFYs 2015-2018 TIP and FFY 2015 UPWP, Transportation needs |
18-Jun-14 |
Randolph |
Yes |
TIP and UPWP Workshop |
Draft FFYs 2015-2018 TIP and FFY 2015 UPWP, Transportation needs |