
Date   August 18, 2016

TO   Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

FROM   Karl H. Quackenbush
CTPS Executive Director

RE   Federal Fiscal Year 2016 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP): Proposed Budget Adjustments to Certain 3C Projects

Action Required


Proposed Motion

That the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), on the recommendation of the UPWP Committee, vote to approve the budget adjustments to certain 3C projects, as presented in this memorandum.


At this point in the federal fiscal year (FFY), just after the third quarter, certain spending patterns have become clear, and MPO staff requests your concurrence with the UPWP Committee on a slate of budget adjustments designed to accommodate these patterns. Table 1 shows these adjustments, along with explanatory comments. The UPWP Committee reviewed these adjustments on July 28, 2016, and recommends approval by the MPO.

These adjustments pertain to selected 3C-funded Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS) line items in FFY16; as shown in Table 1, the net result of the adjustments will be zero. These adjustments would simply transfer funds from one set of line items to another to reflect actual spending to date, as well as spending that is projected to occur between now and the end of the FFY.


In any given year, expenditures by project line item do not conform to expectations in all cases. There are two major reasons for this. The first concerns staffing. When someone resigns from CTPS, there is almost always a gap between when that person departs and when a new person is hired to fill the position. This staffing gap results in lower expenditures on certain projects than had been planned when the UPWP budget was being developed. These gaps are unavoidable given the time it takes to recruit new professional-level staff and get him or her up to speed.


The second reason why expenditures do not always unfold as planned has to do with the simple fact that, in addition to staffing levels, many other things can and do change after the UPWP has been developed. Budget estimates for each project line item are made in the spring of the year, a full six months before work commences in the subsequent FFY. Then, once work is in progress, various things arise that can affect how much staff time is allocated to one project versus another. For example, in the current FFY, we undertook certain particularly complex improvements to the travel model; consequently, we expended slightly more time and budget on that project than anticipated.


Table 1: Proposed Adjustments to FFY 2016 Budgets for 3C-funded CTPS Projects

Project  # Project Current  Budget Proposed  Change Proposed Budget Comment
90011 Support to the MPO and its Subcommittees $262,300 $24,900 $287,200 Various reasons, such as more presentations made to MPO than anticipated
10104 Unified Planning Work Program $98,000 $20,400 $118,400 Document, and to some extent process, revamped with new manager
10103 Transportation Improvement Program $174,200 $15,300 $189,500 More work on revising selection criteria than anticipated
90028 Provision of Materials in Accessible Formats $68,400 $15,000 $83,400 More documents needed to be rendered accessible than anticipated
90024 Disability Access Support $85,900 $14,200 $100,100 More effort on AACT Summit than anticipated
11244 Regional Model Enhancement $740,400 $14,000 $754,400 Some more complex model improvements than anticipated
90021 RTAC Support $74,800 $13,800 $88,600 Generally more effort than budgeted
90026 Public Participation Process $96,300 $9,100 $105,400 Added facets of process with new public engagement specialist
10112 Air Quality Conformity and Support $24,500 $8,400 $32,900 More work with MOVES emissions rate model necessary than had been thought
11150 Roadway Safety Audits $13,800 ($2,000) $11,800 Slightly fewer audits than budgeted will be necessary
11132 Transportation Equity/EJ Support $100,900 ($2,200) $98,700 Lapse in filling vacant Equity Coordinator's vacancy created a slight surplus
90014 Planning Topics $3,200 ($3,100) $100 Less work than anticipated. Have eliminated this line item in next UPWP
90025 Transreport $31,400 ($3,100) $28,300 Just able to do what was needed slightly more efficiently than budgeted
90019 Subregional Outreach $4,800 ($3,700) $1,100 Less work than anticipated. Have eliminated this line item in next UPWP
13801 Livable Community Workshops $25,200 ($4,000) $21,200 Less work than anticipated and staff vacancy. Have eliminated in next UPWP
13150 Community Transportation Technical Assistance $40,600 ($6,000) $34,600 Requests for assistance less expensive than budgeted and staff vacancy
90090 General Graphics $90,600 ($6,700) $83,900 Hard to predict because staff relies on this when not charging to specific projects
11355 Title VI: MPO $32,000 ($16,300) $15,700 Substantially less work than anticipated
10101 Long-Range Transportation Plan $318,200 ($88,000) $230,200 Overall, less effort required than anticipated
blank TOTAL $2,285,500 $0 $2,285,500 blank

Total 3C funding redistributed among projects - $135,100