Franny Osman, Acton resident
Candidate for Regional Transportation Advisory Council Vice Chair

Candidate Statement:

If reelected as vice-chair of RTAC, Franny hopes to review our membership situation; who is in RTAC, who even knows it exists? How can we engage more community members and a variety of stakeholders to participate in Boston MPO's process?

Recognizing that education of our members is important, Franny will focus on continuing to bring stimulating presentations to our meetings. She believes that learning about research and projects, and working with staff to stay up-to-date on the Boston MPO's work, are valuable parts of public participation. In order to retain members, we need to offer rich programming.

Equity and access, and bringing our system into a better future, soon, are important to Franny. She keeps an eye on disabilities, electrification, Regional Transit Authorities and connections between regions.