Table C-2
Public Comments Received during the Public Review Period for the Draft FFYs 2025–29 TIP

Project Name Support / Oppose / Request / Concern Comment or Summary of Comment Response or Summary of Response
Project under consideration in FFYs 2025-29 TIP
FFYs 25-29 TIP /
pedestrian safety need
Kate Elizabeth MacLean Concern "The Rt. 9 intersection at Temple St. and Rt. 9 in Framingham (West Framingham) is an intersection with a grocery store, a CVS, a bank and many apartments and a  university nearby. This intersection needs to be converted to a four way crosswalk to prevent hazardous conditions for pedestrians. Please do not put this off.
There's a diagram that this committee created showing what is needed."
Thank you for sharing your concerns about pedestrian safety on Route 9 in Framingham. The Boston Region MPO appreciates your engagement and input. Your comment will be shared with the MPO board as a part of its review of the draft TIP on June 6, 2024. During this meeting, it is anticipated that MPO members will vote on the endorsement of the TIP after taking into account the public comments received during the 30 day public review period, which ends on May 22. All MPO meetings are public, and you are welcome to attend the meeting if you would like to do so. An agenda and information about how to join this meeting will be posted to the MPO's meeting calendar.
There are not any projects currently programmed on the TIP that address your concern, but the MPO will also consider your comment in our continuous collection and assessment of transportation needs around the Boston region. Safety is a top priority for the MPO, and feedback about specific safety issues helps us determine priorities for future study and project funding. To continue the conversation, I encourage you to share your concerns with Framingham planning staff, and follow the MPO's Vision Zero Action Plan as we develop strategies to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on our roadways and
improve safety for people walking and biking.
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
investment priorities
Rufino Velazquez Concern "Thank you for sharing this draft plan. Please continue to divest from highways and roads and invest in better transit and alternative modes of transportation and pedestrian safety. Our cities are already overbuilt for cars, and further investment needs to be made into alternatives and protecting our most vulnerable users." Thank you for sharing your comments… The investments the MPO makes through the TIP each year are guided by the goals established in our long-range transportation plan for the region, which include safety, equity, resilience, mobility and reliability, access and connectivity, and clean air and healthy communities; the MPO is committed to funding projects that create safe and accessible off-street travel options and connections for pedestrians and bicyclists, improve public transit, reduce congestion and pollution, and support equitable
mode shift.
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
Holliston- Intersection Improvements at Rt 16 & Whitney St [Design Only] and Project #613477 (MassDOT) Holliston-Linden St Improvements at Robert Adams Middle School (SRTS)
Christina Hein Support "I am writing as a resident in full support of the two listed projects for the Town of Holliston, the Washington and Whitney intersection re-design and the Linden Street SRTS multi-use path. Both of these projects will result in significant improvements to safety and access for all road users to a degree not seen in many years.” Thank you for sharing your comments on the Town of Holliston projects programmed in the draft federal fiscal years (FFY) 2025-29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the expected
improvements from these projects…
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
Holliston- Intersection Improvements at Rt 16 & Whitney St [Design Only] and Project #613477 (MassDOT) Holliston-Linden St Improvements at Robert Adams Middle School (SRTS)
Cynthia Listewnik Request/ Concern Please consider funding for the following projects to improve safe access in Holliston. Thanks.
Project 1 - Linden Street multi-use path improving an existing safe route to school and providing protected access for people who bike and walk from Washington Street to the Woodland Street school campuses and the rail trail.
Project 2 - Washington and Whitney Street intersection redesign to address conflict among all road users, including a trail crossing, commuting passenger vehicles and heavy industrial vehicles accessing the
adjacent industrial park and transfer station."
Thank you for sharing your comments on the Town of Holliston projects programmed in the draft federal fiscal years (FFY) 2025-29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the expected improvements from these projects...
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
608954 - Weston- Reconstruction on Route 30
Jonathan Buchman Support "I'm a resident of Weston for 27 years and I'm also a Builder / Developer in town.
That said, the proposed Route 30 roadway improvement and multi use walking / biking / running project will be a huge benefit to not only Weston residents but also to other surrounding towns and
Massachusetts residents that use it daily for commuting along this 3.7 mile stretch. It will connect all towns from Wayland / Natick through Weston and Newton into Boston with a safe way for bikers, walkers and runners to use without the alternative, which is to use the existing very busy roadway for cars, trucks etc only.
Please approve the funding for this project asap and lets improve Massachusetts for all citizens."
Thank you for sharing your comments... MPO staff will continue to work with our partners at the Town of Weston and MassDOT on this effort and are also working with neighboring communities to advance work to further advance the safety and accessibility of the regional
Route 30 corridor.
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
608954 - Weston- Reconstruction on Route 30
Anne Donahue Oppose “We are opposed to additional funding for the design and engineering of a shared use bicycle path along Route 30 in Weston.
“There are no bikers on route 30.  If people want to use bikes they should use the bike paths that they insisted on.  The roads are for motor vehicles.  END OF STORY!!
Roads=cars/trucks.  Bike Paths=bikes.  We have cold and inclement weather 9 months a year and NO ONE is riding bikes.  Stop the nonsense of these ridiculous bike lanes.”
Thank you for sharing your comments… MPO staff have been working closely with MassDOT and
the Town of Weston in considering these comments in the project development process.
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
608954 - Weston- Reconstruction on Route 30
Ken Skudder Support “I wanted to write to you to express my support for the Rt 30 shared use path. I have a friend who lives in Weston right near where this path will be. We both enjoy riding bicycles, and if this path is completed we will be able to do more bike rides that start and/or end in Weston. That'll be pleasant for us, and will also be good for Weston, since we usually get some food and/or coffee before or after a bike ride, which will mean more business for local Weston businesses.
This path will also enable people to walk and bike more for transportation, which has huge health and happiness benefits, and helps the planet too.
I believe it is a vocal minority who oppose the path, and their arguments against it lack substance (they appear to consist mostly of nonsensical fear mongering and NIMBYism). I hope that construction of this shared use path, which will be such an asset, will not be blocked by these flimsy
Thank you for sharing your comments… MPO staff will continue to work with our partners at the Town of Weston and MassDOT on this effort, and are also working with neighboring communities to advance work to further advance the safety and accessibility of the regional Route 30 corridor.
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
608954 - Weston- Reconstruction on Route 30
Emily Hutcheson Support "I’m very much in favor of the shared use path through Weston on Rt. 30.  As a life- long 75-year-old resident, I’ve seen lots of changes over the years and know the value of good projects like this one that connect people in different neighborhoods and towns.
I live next to the Mass Central Rail Trail and take daily advantage of it, riding or walking for almost all of my errands, and to walk with friends.  What a gift it is to have a safe way to be outdoors biking and walking rather than having to use a car!
I’m hoping the people along Rt 30 will know the same gift with the completion of their shared use path.   The anonymous group, Focus on Weston, is spreading misinformation about the path that is reminiscent of the NIMBY fear that stopped the Rail Trail 25 years ago.  May that  not prevail at Town Meeting this time.   Please know lots of us are working for the success of this project.”
Thank you for sharing your comments on the Town of Weston's Route 30 project, which is funded in the draft federal fiscal years (FFY) 2025-29 Transportation
Improvement Program (TIP)…
FFYs 24-28 TIP
Project #609204 Belmont Community Path
Aleida Leza Oppose Letter in opposition to Belmont Community Path
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
Thank you for passing along these letters regarding the Belmont Community Path Project…
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
608954 - Weston- Reconstruction on Route 30
Marga Hutcheson Support “I'm writing in strong support of the proposed shared use path on Rt 30 in Weston (Project File No. 608954). I'm a biker, runner, and walker for both transportation and recreation. (I'm 37. My husband and I live in Weston and don't have a car, so about 85% of our trips outside of the house are on foot or bicycle, 10% are via borrowing my parents' car, and 5% are public transportation.).
I strongly believe that we need to invest in accessible recreation/active transportation infrastructure in order to give people of all ages and abilities the ability to enjoy being outside and to get places. The shared use path would do this.  I hear you may be getting a number of emails against the shared use path, many of them prompted by outreach by a shadowy/sketchy completely anonymous group called ""Focus on Weston"" that is spreading inaccurate information about the path. I believe more people in Weston are in favor of the path than against. (It's easier to get people riled up to be against something than to be for it.)  I'm writing to you as someone who is strongly in favor of a shared use path (and the overall Rt 30 redesign.)
[Commenter provided a list of “pros" for the project including emissions reductions, ADA compliance, safety, and intersection design. Expressed some concern over tree removal but noted that many of the trees were already dead and their removal for the purpose of the project was better than for single family housing.]"
Thank you for sharing your comments on the Town of Weston's Route 30 project, which is funded in the draft federal fiscal years (FFY) 2025-29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)…
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
608954 - Weston- Reconstruction on Route 30
Joel Angiolillo Oppose “An anonymous email went out to Weston residents asking them to oppose the Route 30 reconstruction project. (The full text is below.)
I would like to speak for the future users, over many generations, of a multi-use path along route 30.
Facts: Currently there is no safe way to ride or walk east-west from Wayland/Natick to Waltham/Newton. Route 117, Route 20 and Route 30 are all highly bike/pedestrian unfriendly with no end-to-end sidewalks or bike lanes. Only the most confident bike riders would ever attempt to ride one of these roads. There are no pedestrians using these roads today. Several inflammatory statements were made in the anonymous email (full text below):

The proposed design is specifically opposed by American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) This is not true. The proposed design requires massive removal of trees and relocation of historic stone walls "massive removal" = about 50 healthy trees, while MADOT will be planting 2 trees for each removed. (In any case, the proponents seem to be ok with a 5' sidewalk, just not a 10' multi-use path. The 5' sidewalk would require the removal of about as many trees. The scope of the project changed from a sidewalk to a shared use bicycle path. This is true. But it is in response to the new Complete Streets guidelines. The scale and design of the current proposal accommodates the requirements of Mass DOT, not the betterment, safety, or needs of our Town. This is a bike path to nowhere! This is not true. Newton is actively working on the Carriageway. The route 30 bridge across Rt 128 and the Charles is in process. Natick and Wayland have both hope to follow Newton's and Weston's lead.”
Thank you for sharing your
comments… MPO staff will continue to work with our partners at the Town of Weston and MassDOT on this effort - and look forward to doing so. The MPO is also working with neighboring communities to advance work to further advance the safety and accessibility of the regional  Route 30 corridor, not only in Newton where other projects are currently planned or about to be underway, but also in neighboring communities in the west.
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
608954 - Weston- Reconstruction on Route 30
Alison Barlow Oppose “I am a Weston resident. My family moved to Weston in the mid 1970s, I became a Weston homeowner in 2004 and my parents now live with us. I have served on Weston’s Conservation Commission since 2006, but I write to you today with my own separate opinion, not speaking on behalf of the commission.

I vehemently oppose the 2-way shared use path that is being proposed along Rte. 30. I oppose it for so many reasons, among them:
Weston thought we were initially voting on a 5 ft wide sidewalk, similar to what exists now. Weston should at least be given a chance “turn back the clock” and vote on what is actually being proposed. This stinks. It’s a bait and switch (whether it was intentional or not). Weston did not vote to approve the project as proposed.
The approx 50 driveway crossings is ridiculous and is not safe for all of those homes, the bikers trying to cross, etc.
Cars travel at 45-50mph, a bike lane along that road, even if separated will make a mess of traffic, cars stopping suddenly if they can’t get into their driveways, etc.
The earthworks for this project is ridiculous and will basically make it an ugly corridor running along the mass pike exposing so many homes, cars, bikers, to the massive, currently hidden highway.
The number of trees and walls needing to be removed is absurd. So much screening from the massive Mass Pike highway that Weston already has running though it will be lost.
The planned Rte 30 crossing (flip flopping the path from one side or Rte 30 to another) will be a mess with traffic.

The path will end in Natick, so far from anything. Who will use this??? Commuters to Boston?? That won’t happen for so many months of the year, and really, that means you can’t carpool, pick up kids or groceries. VERY impractical.
I’m all for biking, but this is absurd. This isn’t a place where commuting by bike makes sense. It’s not a true suburban space, it’s rural.
I would still vote for a 5ft wide sidewalk for walkers and an occasional bike. But the proposed 10’ bike lane will become a mini road for e-bikes, bikes with motors, and mopeds. This has already happened on other similar paths in Massachusetts, making them unsafe for walkers. Even if bikes with engines aren’t allowed, how would this be policed??? It won’t be policed, so it shouldn’t be built.
Total costs are nowhere near close to being defined.
I’m happy to discuss this or take part in any conversations on this matter. I hope my opinion is considered."
Thank you for sharing your comments… MPO staff have been working closely with MassDOT and
the Town of Weston in considering these comments in the project development process, and will continue to do so.
FFYs 25-29 TIP
Project #605857 Norwood Intersection Improvements at Rt 1 & University Ave/Everett St
Joseph Collins Support "Please accept this public comment concerning the "Intersection Improvements at Route 1 & University Avenue/Everett Street - 605857" project.
I am writing to support the MPO's recommendation to fund this project fully in FY2025 with a construction start date of the beginning of FY2026. This project has been pushed back several times, and I am happy to see that it will finally receive 100% of its funding next fiscal year rather than split the funding between FY2026 & FY2027 as was the plan in the current TIP.
Several of Norwood's largest employers are located on University Avenue and Everett Street. Several of them, including, but not limited to, Metropolitan Cabinets & Countertops, UPS, Amazon, MS Walker, MSI Boston, and Taylor New England, use the Route 1/University Avenue/Everett Street intersection dozens of times each day to access Route 1 and 95.  The upgrade to the intersection will provide each company with significant improvement in shipping and receiving operations, significantly improving each company's operational efficiency.”
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
Holliston- Intersection Improvements at Rt 16 & Whitney St [Design Only] and Project #613477 (MassDOT) Holliston-Linden St Improvements at Robert Adams Middle School (SRTS)
Carol Bailey Support "I am in favor of the 2 Holliston projects.
#1 Linden Street: our children need safe access to the schools . Improvements are always needed and welcome.
#2- Whitney/Washington St will make that intersection safer for the trail crossing and vehicles in that area , and to have a clear direct safe and steady passage for commercial trucks and vehicles entering and exiting the Industrial Park."
Thank you for sharing your comments on the Town of Holliston projects programmed in the draft federal fiscal years (FFY) 2025-29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)…
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
Holliston- Intersection Improvements at Rt 16 & Whitney St [Design Only] and Project #613477 (MassDOT) Holliston-Linden St Improvements at Robert Adams Middle School (SRTS)
Karen Apuzzo Langton Concern "Holliston- Intersection Improvements at Route 16 and Whitney Street [Design Only] Is desperately needed to improve the safe flow of heavy commercial vehicle to and from the main entrance of Lowland Industrial Park at the intersection of Route 16 and Whitney - which services all businesses in the industrial zone. This improvement will assist in stopping heavy commercial cut-though truck traffic using a safe route to school woodland and redirect it to stay on Route 16 @ Whiney where the improvements will make it easier for this traffic to use.
HOLLISTON- LINDEN STREET IMPROVEMENTS AT ROBERT ADAMS MIDDLE SCHOOL (SRTS) - this is needed to improve the safety of this area.  We have already had an altercation with a car and a student.  Linden street is a multi - use road that bisects a safe routes to school."
Thank you for sharing your comments on the Town of Holliston projects programmed in the draft federal fiscal years (FFY) 2025-29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)…
Malden Rt 60 Improvements Design project (FFYs 25-29 TIP
Stephen Winslow Request/ Concern "On behalf of the Malden City Council I am writing to call for the FY 2025 – 2029 TIP to include funds to redesign the vital Route 60 Corridor through Malden.
Route 60 runs east to west the length of Malden connecting several environmental justice neighborhoods to Malden Center. The purpose of undertaking a redesign of Route 60 will be to allow a project conceived and constructed in the 1970’s as primarily a project to move autos along the corridor to be transformed into a street that re-connects rather than separates our City.
The project will further several regional efforts to provide more equitable mobility choices to Malden residents and beyond. In 2022, the MBTA and the City agreed to work on a community connections grant to demonstrate the effectiveness of bus lanes along this corridor. That project with great effort on the part of the MBTA and the City to overcome antiquated traffic signal equipment has resulted in 20% fewer crashes along the corridor while providing more efficient and safe mobility to the bus riders, pedestrians and bicyclists who travel along or cross Route 60. Design funds will allow Malden to plan out and ultimately help fund additional measures to enhance mobility and safety along the corridor. In terms of buses and bicycles, design funds will develop lay-outs to improve intersection operations and the installation a cycle track to connect the Northern Strand Trail to MBTA’s Malden Station.
New lay-outs will also provide better pedestrian connections along and across the corridor and help reconceive Route 60 as more of an urban boulevard than a 2 to 4-lane suburban highway.
The Council has already voted to change zoning along stretches of Route 60 to implement the MBTA Community Housing law. Design funds will ensure that new residential options planned and constructed will ensure transit, walking and bicycling prove to be safe and reliable modes to travel for work, school, shopping and recreation for all residents in Malden."
The MPO appreciates the continued engagement that Malden has had in advancing projects through the TIP and drive to deliver new ones in future TIP cycles. This year's application cycle was marked by a broad and diverse array of competitive projects that exceeded the MPO's capacity and funding to support. The MPO voted to utilize its resources to support municipalities that had not had access to TIP funding in some years, and in some cases decades. The pilot funding for project design in the FFYs 2025–2029 TIP may serve as a sound foundation for a greater number of communities to advance new projects in future TIP cycles, while enabling stakeholders to learn from this pilot experience and ensure this execution is done successfully.  We will continue to work with the City to ensure that its future transportation needs, commensurate with the city's demonstrated intention to expand safe access to housing, commerce, and recreation, can be met through the best funding mechanisms available.
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
several projects
Jason Palitsch Support/ Concern Letter regarding several TIP projects
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
The MPO will continue to collaborate with regional stakeholders, like the 495/MetroWest Partnership, to advance regional priority projects through MPO funding programs. Staff are collaborating around the identification of such projects for both the TIP and Long Range Transportation Plan, and would be happy to discuss and investigate the I-495/Route 9 project further.
Regarding delayed projects, the MPO and MassDOT will work with the municipal project proponents to keep these much-needed projects on  track. I am pleased to note that, in the case of Project 610722 - Acton, Boxborough, and Littleton: Pavement Preservation on Route 2, the project's absence from the FFYs 2025–29 TIP is because it has been accelerated out of that five year timeframe into FFY 2024, and was advertised for construction bids this past March 30th.
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
Swampscott Rail Trail
Kimberly Nassar Oppose Letter in opposition to Swampscott Rail Trail project
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
Thank you for passing this along, I'm confirming receipt here. We appreciate your feedback on the Swampscott Rail Trail project and will ensure that your letter is shared with the MPO board during its review of the draft TIP on June 6, 2024
Malden Rt 60 Improvements Design project (FFYs 25-29 TIP
Malden Congressional Delegation (State Sen. Jason Lewis, State Reps Steven Ultrino, Kate Lipper- Garabedian, Paul Donato Request/ Concern Letter in support of Malden Rt 60 Improvements Design project (request for programming)
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
The MPO appreciates the engagement that the City of Malden and its stakeholders have had in advancing projects through the TIP and interest in furthering a safe, accessible, and multimodal transportation network for all. This year's initial design funding pilot application cycle was competitive, with fifteen applications received, of which the MPO could only support a fraction. The MPO hopes that the projects selected will serve as a foundation for a greater number of communities to advance new projects in future TIP cycles, while enabling stakeholders to learn from this pilot experience. While not all applications were funded, those that were not demonstrate the significant demand for continued investment by the MPO in this critical area. We will continue to work with the City and our partners at MassDOT, the MBTA and MAPC to ensure that future transportation investment will address the needs that community members have expressed.
Project #611982 – Medford– Shared- Use Path Connection at the Route 28/Wellington Underpass Karl Alexander Support “"I’m writing on behalf of the Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA), whose mission is to protect and restore the Mystic River and its tributaries. Our vision is a healthy, vibrant, and resilient Mystic River Watershed for the benefit of all our community members. MyRWA works with residents to protect water quality, restore important habitats, build climate resilience, transform parks and paths, inspire youth and grow community. Our Mystic Greenways vision is bringing to reality a 25- mile, high-quality network of greenways for active transportation and recreation, enhanced climate resiliency, and improved physical and mental health outcomes for residents of our watershed and Commonwealth.
We are delighted that the Boston Region MPO has voted to fund Project #611982 – Medford– Shared-Use Path Connection at the Route 28/Wellington Underpass ($5,509,294) in FFY25,  hich was previously funded under MassDOT's statewide highway program. The underpass, a project which is included in our greenways vision and one that we helped to spearhead in ollaboration with DCR, MassDOT and the City of Medford, will provide a vital connection for the region's greenways and eliminate a dangerous at-grade crossing of State Route 28. Projects  like this will help to reduce the region's reliance on single occupancy vehicles for everyday commuting needs.”
Thank you for sharing your comments on the Medford Shared- Use Path Connection project programmed in the draft federal fiscal years (FFY) 2025-29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)…
Project #609204 Belmont Community Path, FFYs 2025–29 TIP Paul Cobuzzi Concern “I am writing to you because I have reservations concerning the Belmont Community project# 609204 proximity to the live MBTA Fitchburg Commuter rails. I believe the planned distance is 10.5 feet from the northern most rail. There have been so many changes to the specifications that who knows what to believe. The proposed fence(steel or titanium or whatever) could be cut with a diamond blade.
Yes, they sell them for hacksaws too in hardware stores.
Right now, the MBTA keeps the number of ‘trespassers’ to a minimum, keeping the home break ins, homes Invasions, assorted damage and home burglaries to a minimum.
What will happen when the machines that plow the tracks and the paths, pack the snow and ice against the fences and the accumulation fills in between the chain links and freezes, then bends the fence so
heavily that the fence posts lean under the weight and snaps the fasteners that hold the chain links to the posts?
The town will do nothing.
What will happen when holes are cut by the trespassers(adults or students) seeking shortcuts across the live tracks because no one will walk 1/4 mile around to the tunnel when they can just short cut thru the fence?
The town will do nothing.
The Town has repeatedly stated they will not maintain this fence or any other part of the path.  They will not patch the holes or repair any other damage.
The Windbrook public grammar school located north of the MBTA tracks graduates between 80 to 100 students per class, depending on the year.  Most of them probably will travel south thru the proposed new tunnel to attend the new High school/Middle school each morning. An equal number could travel north in the afternoon. That could be as many as 700 students each way, for grades 6 thru 12, that is 1,400 trips more or less daily.
The CPPC has estimated as many 1000 users per day each way, East to West and West to East. That is another 2000 users daily.
The CPPC  wish to make project# 609204 into a playground. They have not called it that yet.  But, they will be encouraging our children to play up there by adding lights and benches. That technically makes it a park. When you increase the population(trespassers), you increase the crime and the accident rate.
On  May 13, 2024, Boston news WCVB channel 5 reported the headline: “Two people dead after being hit by MBTA Commuter Rail train”. This happened on the Framingham/Worcester line. Part of
the article read “The tracks run parallel to a bicycle park for children.
Just thought I would give you a heads up!!!
Thank you añd sincerely.”
Thank you for sharing your comments on the Town of Belmont's Community Path project…
MBTA funding, FFY 2024–28 TIP
Amendment 7
Joel Schwartz Concern The systemic lack of maintenance on MBTA trains and tracks is how it got into the disaster it is at the moment. The allocation of 0 dollars for maintenance in out years in this plan is a recipe for disaster. I know money is tight, but you must reallocate some money to maintenance.  
FFYs 25-29 TIP,
608954 - Weston- Reconstruction on Route 30
Rebecca Mercuri and Lou Mercuri Concern/ Request "We are writing regarding the Route 30 Reconstruction Project (#608954) in Weston. In the draft 2025-2029 FFY TIP, the project is placed in the FFY 2027 budget year. In May 2023, as part of the TIP comment period, 110 residents signed a letter of concern regarding this project, with the primary concern being the proposed implementation of a two-way shared use path. In spite of our best efforts to engage the Town and its consultant on specific design alternatives to the proposed shared use path, the 25% design has not changed since the design direction was communicated in 2019. There has been little to no meaningful engagement to understand and fully consider design alternatives with the 100+ property owners who are directly impacted by the project.
In recent months statements have been made by Town officials and others familiar with the project, that the Route 30 Reconstruction will not be funded by MassDOT and the Boston MPO unless the two-way shared use path is included, as proposed, consistent with the 25% design submission.
To provide clarity on this topic, we respectfully ask for your guidance on the following questions:
Can you confirm or deny that funding for the Route 30 Reconstruction TIP project will be denied, and the project will be dropped by MassDOT, if the Town of Weston does not support the currently proposed two-way shared use path along the entire 3.7-mile length of Route 30 in Weston?
Is it true that no alternative options, such as separated bike lanes or single-direction shared use paths on each side of the road, will be considered or accepted for the project?
We look forward to hearing from you on this."
We understand and appreciate the continued engagement that Weston Residents have had as this project has advanced. The Boston Region MPO has worked closely with the Town of Weston and MassDOT as the project has progressed to relay the feedback we have received from the public. It is our understanding that the Town and its consultants have advanced design funding to further the Route 30 project thanks to a successful vote at a recent Town Meeting. This funding will allow for the project to continue beyond the 25% design stage, and its our understanding that the town and MassDOT will continue to engage the public around the project as it progresses. Given that the Town has funding for a design that is not only consistent with the MPO's goals and objectives, but mirrors investments being made by the City of Newton and MassDOT to the east, is encouraging follow-on work from Natick at the western edge of the project, and meets MassDOT's design requirements for safety and accessibility, the project is not at risk for removal from the TIP.
MPO staff will continue to work with the Town and MassDOT to ensure that this project and the design it will implement deliver the best possible outcome for users of this significant regional connector.
Project #609204
Belmont Community Path, FFYs 2025–29 TIP
UNKNOWN (A W) Concern “I am writing to express serious concerns regarding Project #609204 the proposed Belmont Community Path. The extremely pertinent backstory is that the town of Belmont hired The Pare Corporation to conduct a feasibility study to decipher the best route of the path.  The Southside of the train tracks was the selected route by the unbiased professional corporation tasked with deciding the best placement. Additionally, abutters to this proposed Path have raised countless concerns and vehemently opposed this path being placed on the north side of the tracks behind their homes. Also countless neighborhood residents submitted letters of opposition in 2021 when previous comment periods were open.  However, the town of Belmont has continuously disregarded the independent expert findings of the Pare Corporation, the objections of the abutters, and disapproval of members of the neighborhood and have forced the selected path route on the north side of the tracks. This project should not be funded as currently proposed on the north side.
Please allow the impartial and rightfully sought after route of this path to be placed on the south side of the tracks or on another route as many other routes have been proposed. If the town continues to improperly fight for the less feasible option, contrasting the very experts they paid to decide the best route,  please do not fund this. The north side is not the right side.
Other pertinent factors are that the abutters were promised on multiple occasions to have a say in the fencing between their homes and the Path.  There was even an advertised abutters walk in April 2024 for feedback from the neighborhood on their desired fencing.
Now it seems to have all been for show, as a four foot post and rail fence dividing this path from homes has somehow been decided. The very people who will be forced to live with thousands of people traveling directly behind their homes have been mislead on multiple occasions.  This project is expected to be funded by MassDot- how can a project that has so much opposition and contradictions to expert findings be funded? There has been zero accountability within this project.
Please consider how unfair and wrong this is.
A last Point so that you are fully aware of a grave fault in the current proposed Path is that there is a building standing in the way of the North side route of the path.  Safety guidelines require a minimum amount of feet between the live railroad tracks and the path. The occupied building makes it so that the required bare minimum distance  of necessary separation does not seem achievable given the minimum path width. Pedestrian safety should be of the utmost concern to everyone. How could the proposed path be placed here. Not having the minimum square footage separating the live rail and the path is a direct violation of known laws and rules meant to keep people safe. This route appears inoperable for a path. Also abutters should not be mislead, the serious lack of accountability is obvious.
Building the path on the expert decided south side of the tracks solves these concerns.  The feasibility study has been paid for and is complete. The clear and concise findings are in writing and there is no way to deny what the legitimate answer is- this path should have been presented to MassDot on another route- not the north side. Please do not fund this deceptive project until honesty and transparency prevail. All paths lead to not placing this path on the north side of the tracks given the safety concerns and the objections of abutters. How and why have all these
issues been completely ignored?”
Thank you for providing comment on
the Belmont Community Path project, which is funded in FFY 2026 of the Transportation Improvement Program…
Malden Rt 60 Improvements Design project (FFYs 25-29 TIP application) Mayor Gary Christenson Request Letter in support of Malden Rt 60 Improvements Design project (request for programming)
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
We greatly appreciate the strong engagement that the City of Malden, including Mayor Christenson and others, have had in this year's TIP Development Cycle and will be sure to advance all comments received on the FFYs 2025–29 TIP (and its projects) to the MPO board for their consideration. In addition to advancing these comments, MPO staff will also continue to track the Route 60 project within the TIP Universe of Projects as we recognize its role as a priority corridor not only for the City but also for neighboring communities as well. We look forward to continuing to work with stakeholders in the area to try and advance projects that will deliver the outcomes requested by the many members of the Malden community that we have heard from. We also appreciate the city's flexibility and willingness to adjust the scope of work to try and meet some of the resource constraints that influenced not only the selection of design projects this TIP cycle, but also
construction projects as well.
Malden Rt 60
Improvements Design project (FFYs 25-29 TIP
Allison Durak Concern “Dear Chair Mohler and Members of the Boston MPO:
It has come to my attention that funds have been shifted away from the redesign of the Route 60 Corridor here in Malden. I have seen that Malden has invested in beautifying and creating safe spaces for its locals in recent years. Does this not include Route 60? I have attended town hall meetings here in my hometown. I know Route 60 is a pain point, so why doesn’t the city move forward with its plans for welcoming town structures and roads? As a mother, I am concerned the city isn’t taking enough action for my son’s safety especially when I expected one thing and there are now plans to alter course. Please do not remove funds from the redesign of Route 60 Corridor or help me understand what is more important and why you have changed your mind.
Let’s keep and include the funds for the Route 60 Corridor redesign in FY 2025 - 2029 if not for you, for my son. He can’t drive a car. He’s still a pedestrian.”
Thank you for sharing your comments…The Boston Region MPO piloted a new funding program in the FFYs 2025–29 TIP cycle to provide funding to municipalities to design transportation projects. The City of Malden, among many other communities, submitted applications for funding through this program, one of them being for the Route 60 corridor and another for Commercial Street. Given the competitive nature of this new program and the constrained funding and staff resources on hand to facilitate it, only a fraction of the applications received by the MPO could be funded. Given this is a pilot program, the MPO hopes that stakeholders - including the MPO and other project delivery partners - can learn from this experience to create a broader and more long term opportunity for municipalities to utilize. The number of applications the MPO received certainly demonstrates the demand that communities in the Boston Region have for design funding support. While the Route 60 project is not currently on the TIP, as it did not advance through those initial funding rounds, the MPO will continue to work with the City of Malden and other communities that were not selected this year to try and
advance these worthy projects.
Swampscott Rail Trail Project #610666 (FFYs
2025–29 TIP Project
in FFY 2028)
Maura Carroll Oppose Letter in Opposition about Swampscott Rail Trail Project 610666.
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
I have added your comment letter to the file. Thank you for passing it along. We will be certain to advance this comment and others we have received to the MPO Board for their consideration at the June 6 MPO Board meeting, during which it is anticipated that members will vote on the endorsement of the FFYs 2025–29 TIP.
Route 30 Reconstruction project in Weston #608954 Rebecca Mercuri, Lou Mercuri, Kayla Mercuri, Lenore Zug, Lobel David Robbins, Matt Lane, Jessica Moy, Jon Moy, James Dwinell III, Ellen Dwinell, Mohammed Hassan, Thamina Hassan, Constance Moore, Sheila Smallwood, Laurie Endlar Lee, Paul Davenport, Aviva Jeruchim, William Davenport, Joan Marion Parrish, Susan Zacharias, Jim Kappel, Nancy Kappel, Henry Fizer, Gabriel Fizer, Carol Fizer, Sarah Butera, Steve Butera, Artemis Willis, Nagy Mikael, Lillian Mikael, Michael Lee, Doreen Mirley, John Mirley, Victoria Huber, Tony Brooke, Alison Barlow, Janet K. Fronk, Michele Schuckel, John R. Barlow, Julia M. Barlow, Joan  Kertis, Katherine A. Barlow, Barbara Gilman, Richard Gilman, Neil Diver, Katherine Diver, Frank Caine, Becky Ames, Paul Donahue, John McDonald, Janice Kaplan, Barbara Baker, Robert Froh, Richard Flynn, Laura Schiff Bean, Warren Pinckert, Beverly Watson, Steve Watson, Sheila Weinstock, Norman Weinstock, Linda Harding, John Harding, Barbara Bush Meissner, Cody Meissner, Natty MacArthur, Andi Shaw, Doug Shaw, Susan Schaefer, Christian Halby, Marty Broff, Jenifer Lipson, Freya Bernstein, Louis Grossman, Amy Gerson, Bruce Pastor, Richard Tedlow, Donna Staton, Barbara Bowen, Kathie Collman, Bob Collman, Nancy Lukitsh Linda Davidson Barry Davidson Duncan Warden Gail Warden, Margaret Ewald, Laraine Levy, Jeff Levy, Al Aydelott, Richard DiVito, Margaret Griner, Paul Griner, Tom Keery, Laura Keery, Gary Lee, Rachel Stewart, Janice Glynn, Rochelle Nemrow, John Sallay, Anne Sallay, Hugh Pearson, Gustav Christensen, Bette Pearson, Vivake Pearson, Paul Brontas, Richard Trant, Sherwin Greenblat, Joyce Flaherty, Richard K Babayan, Sonya Nersessian, Lawrence Lee, Nicole Lee, Alexandra Lee, Madeline Lee, Charlotte Lee, Averill Bromfield, Mary Bromfield, Jonathan Chase, Laura Dixon, Clarence Dixon, Doug Garron, Lorna Garron, Jennifer Garron, Amy Silverstein, Roxanne Ferreiro, Jack O’Donnell, Andrew Tamoney, Susan Tamoney, Elizabeth Messina, Mark Messina, Fernanda Bourlot, Barbara Fullerton, Burt Fullerton, Diana Chaplin, Nina Danforth, Clifford
Abrecht, Michele Abrecht
Oppose Petition in Opposition about Route 30 Reconstruction project in Weston #608954.
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
Thank you for passing this along. We are in receipt of your letter and will make sure it is incorporated into the list of other comments that we have received around the project, which will be shared with our MPO members as we anticipate a vote to endorse the Draft FFYs 2025–29 TIP on June 6.
Route 30
Reconstruction project in Weston #608954
Neil Diver, Katherine Williams,
Frank Caine, Becky Ames, Paul Donahue, John Mc Donald, Lise Revers, Janice Kaplan, Barbara Baker, Robert Froh, Richard Flynn, Laura Schiff Bean, Warren Pinckert, Beverly Watson, Steve Watson, Sheila Weinstock, Norman Weinstock, Linda Harding, John Harding, Barbara Bush Meissner, Cody Meissner, Natty MacArthur, Andi Shaw, Doug Shaw, Susan Schaefer, Nolte Circle, Christian Halby, Marty Broff, Jenifer Lipson, Freya Bernstein, Louis Grossman, Amy Gerson, Bruce Pastor, Richard Tedlow, Donna Staton, Barbara Bowen, Kathie Collman, Bob Collman, Nancy Lukitsh, Linda Davidson, Barry Davidson, Duncan Warden, Gail Warden, Margaret Ewald, Laraine Levy, Jeff Levy, Al Aydelott, Diana Chaplin, Richard DiVito, Maragaret Griner, Paul Griner, Tom Keery, Laura Kerry, Gary Lee, Janice Glynn, John Sallay, Anna Sallay, Rachael Stewart, Rochelle Nemrow
Oppose Petition in Opposition about Route 30
Reconstruction project in Weston #608954.
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
Thank you for passing this along and providing feedback on the FFYs 2025–29 TIP. We will make sure that your feedback is considered alongside other comments received around both the Route 30 project and the broader TIP…
FFYs 24-28 TIP
Project #609204 Belmont Community Path
Patrice Garvin Support Letter in support to Belmont Community Path
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
TIP evaluation criteria Michael F. Zullas Concern Letter regarding TIP evaluation criteria and MBTA Communities Act compliance penalties
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
TIP process, content, equity considerations Regional Transportation Advisory Council Support/ Concern Letter in support of projects programmed in FFYs 2025-2029 TIP
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.
TIP content MBTA Rider Oversight Committee Support Letter in support of projects programmed in FFYs 2025-2029 TIP
Full letter available in Compiled Public Comments Document.