DATE: January 16, 2025
TO: Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Board
FROM: Boston Region MPO Staff
RE: MassDOT Resilience Improvement Plan Project Submissions
This memo contains the Boston Region MPO staff’s recommendations for additions to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s (MassDOT) Resilience Improvement Plan’s (RIP) Priority Resilience Project List.
MassDOT is soliciting transportation resilience projects from MPOs across the state to be included as regionally endorsed projects in its RIP. According to the Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program Guidance from the Federal Highway Administration, priority resilience projects included in the RIP may receive the following benefits:
· Elimination of the Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) Requirement for PROTECT Construction Grant Applications
· Eligibility for the project to receive a seven percent reduction in the non-federal share of project costs by virtue of inclusion on the RIP
· An additional three percent reduction in the non-federal share of project costs, as the RIP is included in the statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan Beyond Mobility
MPO staff solicited project submissions from municipalities in the Boston region for MassDOT to consider. These projects are listed in the table titled, Boston Region MPO Project Inclusion in MassDOT Resilience Improvement Plan. Having projects included in MassDOT's RIP list does not imply any MPO or MassDOT commitment to advance or fund the project. Rather, inclusion on the RIP list as a regionally endorsed project is an indication that the project meets the PROTECT program criteria and is eligible for reduced federal match share and the elimination of the requirement for the project proponent to produce a benefit-cost analysis if seeking construction funds.
MassDOT recommends that submissions for inclusion on the RIP are endorsed by the appropriate MPO. As such, MPO staff request that the Boston Region MPO board votes to endorse this list of regional priority resilience projects for proposed inclusion in the RIP.
Attachment: Boston Region MPO Project Inclusion in MassDOT Resilience Improvement Plan (pdf) (html)
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