Crash Severity Value: Equivalent Property Damage Only (EPDO) index (up to 5 points)
+5 EPDO value of 300 or more
+4 EPDO value between 200-299
+3 EPDO value between 100-199
+2 EPDO value between 50-99
+1 EPDO value less than 50
+0 No EPDO value
Crash Severity Rate: Equivalent Property Damage Only (EPDO) index per vehicle miles traveled (VMT) (up to 5 points)
+5 Average annual EPDO per 1,000,000 VMT of 20 or more
+4 Average annual EPDO per 1,000,000 VMT between 15-20
+3 Average annual EPDO per 1,000,000 VMT between 10-15
+2 Average annual EPDO per 1,000,000 VMT between 5-10
+1 Average annual EPDO per 1,000,000 VMT less than 5
+0 No EPDO rate
Improves truck-related safety issue (up to 5 points)
+3 High total effectiveness of truck safety countermeasures
+2 Medium total effectiveness of truck safety countermeasures
+1 Low total effectiveness of truck safety countermeasures
+0 Does not implement truck safety countermeasures
If project scores points above, then it is eligible for additional points below:
+2 Improves truck safety at HSIP1Cluster
Improves bicycle safety (up to 5 points)
+3 High total effectiveness of bicycle safety countermeasures
+2 Medium total effectiveness of bicycle safety countermeasures
+1 Low total effectiveness of bicycle safety countermeasures
+0 Does not implement bicycle safety countermeasures
If project scores points above, then it is eligible for additional points below:
+2 Improves bicycle safety at HSIP Bicycle Cluster
+1 Improves bicycle safety at HSIP Cluster
Improves bicycle safety (up to 5 points)
+3 High total effectiveness of pedestrian safety countermeasures
+2 Medium total effectiveness of pedestrian safety countermeasures
+1 Low total effectiveness of pedestrian safety countermeasures
+0 Does not implement pedestrian safety countermeasures
If project scores points above, then it is eligible for additional points below:
+2 Improves pedestrian safety at HSIP Pedestrian Cluster
+1 Improves pedestrian safety at HSIP Cluster
Improves safety or removes an at-grade railroad crossing (up to 5 points)
+5 Removes an at-grade railroad crossing
+3 Significantly improves safety at an at-grade railroad crossing
+1 Improves safety at an at-grade railroad crossing
+0 Does not include a railroad crossing
Improves substandard roadway bridge(s) (up to 3 points)
+3 Condition is structurally deficient and improvements are included in the
+1 Condition is functionally obsolete and improvements are included in the
+0 Does not improve substandard bridge or does not include a bridge
Improves substandard pavement (up to 6 points)
+6 IRI2rating greater than 320: Poor and pavement improvements are
included in the project
+4 IRI rating between 320 and 191: Fair and pavement improvements are
included in the project
+0 IRI rating less than 190: Good or better
Improves substandard traffic signal equipment (up to 6 points)
+6 Poor condition, improvements are included in the project
+4 Fair condition, improvements are included in the project
+0 Does not meet or address criteria
Improves transit asset(s) (up to 3 points)
+2 Brings transit asset into State of Good Repair
+1 Meets an identified-need in an Asset Management Plan
+0 Does not meet or address criteria
Improves substandard sidewalk(s) (up to 3 points)
+3 Poor condition and sidewalk improvements are included in the project
+2 Fair condition and sidewalk improvements are included in the project
+0 Sidewalk condition is good or better
Improves emergency response (up to 2 points)
+1 Project improves an evacuation route, diversion route, or alternate
diversion route
+1 Project improves an access route to or in proximity to an emergency
support location
Improves ability to respond to extreme conditions (up to 6 points)
+2 Addresses flooding problem and/or sea level rise and enables facility to
function in such a condition
+1 Brings facility up to current seismic design standards
+1 Addresses critical transportation infrastructure
+1 Protects freight network elements
+1 Implements hazard mitigation or climate adaptation plans
Reduces transit vehicle delay (up to 4 points)
+3 5 hours or more of daily transit vehicle delay reduced
+2 1-5 hours of daily transit vehicle delay reduced
+1 Less than one hour of daily transit vehicle delay reduced
+0 Does not reduce transit delay
If project scores points above, then it is eligible for additional points below:
+1 Improves one or more key bus route(s)
Improves pedestrian network and ADA accessibility (up to 5 points)
+2 Adds new sidewalk(s) (including shared-use paths)
+2 Improves ADA3accessibility
+1 Closes a gap in the pedestrian network
+0 Does not improve pedestrian network
Improves bicycle network (up to 4 points)
+3 Adds new physically separated bicycle facility (including shared-use paths)
+2 Adds new buffered bicycle facility
+1 Adds new standard bicycle facility
+1 Closes a gap in the bicycle network
+0 Does not improve bicycle network
Improves intermodal accommodations/connections to transit (up to 6 points)
+6 Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree
+4 Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree
+2 Meets or addresses criteria to a low degree
+0 Does not meet or address criteria
Improves truck movement (up to 4 points)
+3 Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree
+2 Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree
+1 Meets or addresses criteria to a low degree
+0 Does not meet or address criteria
If project scores points above, then it is eligible for additional points below:
+1 Addresses MPO-identified bottleneck location
Reduces vehicle congestion (up to 6 points)
+6 400 hours or more of daily vehicle delay reduced
+4 100-400 hours of daily vehicle delay reduced
+2 Less than 100 hours of daily vehicle delay reduced
+0 Does not meet or address criteria
Reduces CO24 (up to 5 points) 5
+5 1,000 or more annual tons of CO2 reduced
+4 500-999 annual tons of CO2 reduced
+3 250-499 annual tons of CO2 reduced
+2 100-249 annual tons of CO2 reduced
+1 Less than 100 annual tons of CO2 reduced
0 No impact
-1 Less than 100 annual tons of CO2 increased
-2 100-249 annual tons of CO2 increased
-3 250-499 annual tons of CO2 increased
-4 500-999 annual tons of CO2 increased
-5 1,000 or more annual tons of CO2 increased
Reduces other transportation-related emissions (VOC, NOx, CO) 6 7
(up to 5 points)
+5 2,000 or more total kilograms of VOC, NOx, CO reduced
+4 1,000-1999 total kilograms of VOC, NOx, CO reduced
+3 500-999 total kilograms of VOC, NOx, CO reduced
+2 250-499 total kilograms of VOC, NOx, CO reduced
+1 Less than 250 total kilograms of VOC, Nox, CO reduced
0 No impact
-1 Less than 250 total kilograms of VOC, NOx, CO increased
-2 250-499 total kilograms of VOC, NOx, CO increased
-3 500-999 total kilograms of VOC, NOx, CO increased
-4 1,000-1999 total kilograms of VOC, NOx, CO increased
-5 2,000 or more total kilograms of VOC, NOx, CO increased
Addresses environmental impacts (up to 4 points)
+1 Addresses water quality
+1 Addresses cultural resources/open space
+1 Addresses wetlands/resource areas
+1 Addresses wildlife preservation/protected habitats
+0 Does not meet or address criteria
Is in an Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA)-certified "Green Community" (up to 2 points)
+2 Project is located in a “Green Community”
+0 Project is not located in a "Green Community"
Serves Title VI/non-discrimination populations (up to 12 points)
+2 Serves minority (high concentration) population
+1 Serves minority (low concentration) population
+2 Serves low-income (high concentration) population
+1 Serves low-income (low concentration) population
+2 Serves limited-English proficiency (high concentration) population
+1 Serves limited-English proficiency (low concentration) population
+2 Serves elderly (high concentration) population
+1 Serves elderly (low concentration) population
+2 Serves zero vehicle households (high concentration) population
+1 Serves zero vehicle households (low concentration) population
+2 Serves persons with disabilities (high concentration) population
+1 Serves persons with disabilities (low concentration) population
+0 Does not serve Title VI or non-discrimination populations
-10 Creates a burden for Title VI/non -discrimination populations
Serves targeted development site (up to 6 points)
+2 Provides new transit access to or within site
+1 Improves transit access to or within site
+1 Provides for bicycle access to or within site
+1 Provides for pedestrian access to or within site
+1 Provides for improved road access to or within site
+0 Does not provide any of the above measures
Provides for development consistent with the compact growth strategies of MetroFuture (up to 5 points)
+2 Mostly serves an existing area of concentrated development
+1 Partly serves an existing area of concentrated development
+1 Supports local zoning or other regulations that are supportive of smart
growth development
+2 Complements other local financial or regulatory support that fosters
economic revitalization in a manner consistent with smart growth
development principles
+0 Does not provide any of the above measures
Provides multimodal access to an activity center (up to 4 points)
+1 Provides transit access (within a quarter mile) to an activity center
+1 Provides truck access to an activity center
+1 Provides bicycle access to an activity center
+1 Provides pedestrian access to an activity center
+0 Does not provide multimodal access
Leverages other investments (non-TIP funding) (up to 3 points)
+3 Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree (>30% of the project cost)
+2 Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree (10-30% of the project cost)
+1 Meets or addresses criteria to a low degree (<10% of the project cost)
+0 Does not meet or address criteria