The Next Long-Range Transportation Plan
for the Boston Region
The Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) establishes a vision for the region’s transportation system and guides both capital investments and research studies to support that vision. The next LRTP, Destination 2050, will address the forces and uncertainties that will shape the Boston region between now and 2050.
For the latest news on Destination 2050, subscribe to our email updates and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. To submit a comment at any stage of the plan, use our Feedback form.
Adopt Current Plan 2019
The MPO’s current LRTP, Destination 2040, was adopted in 2019. It will remain in effect until the new plan, Destination 2050, is adopted in 2023. Visit the Destination 2040 page to learn more about how the MPO created this plan and the programs and projects it includes.
Implement Destination 2040 2019-23
While Destination 2040 is in effect, the MPO works to implement its vision and goals by funding projects and conducting studies that support them. This includes adopting new capital project policies and selection criteria that reflect these goals, and creating new funding programs to address needs, such as first- and last-mile connections. The MPO also studies issue areas identified in the plan, such as climate resiliency.
Community Connections Funding Program
Exploring Resilience in MPO-Funded Corridor and Intersection Studies (PDF) (HTML)

Identify Regional Transportation Needs 2021-22
The MPO will examine how people in the region travel, the condition of the transportation facilities they use, the interaction of the transportation system with the built and natural environment, and the ways these factors could change over time. The MPO will also conduct an exploratory planning process to examine possible alternative futures and how they affect transportation. The MPO will use the Needs Assessment, scenario planning results, public input, and technical tools to support its decision making on what to fund in Destination 2050. Learn more about stakeholder input about the region’s possible future(s) in the Big Ideas StoryMap.
Big Ideas: Uncertainties, Possibilities, and Strategies for Greater Boston's Transportation Future
Refresh Vision and Goals 2022-23
The vision and goals in the LRTP guide the MPO’s decisions and work. Destination 2040 established the MPO’s current vision and goals. The MPO has created an updated vision and goals using new information and public input gathered during the Destination 2050 planning process.
Final Destination 2050 Vision and Goals • (HTML)
First Draft Destination 2050 Vision and Goals • (HTML) and Revisions • (HTML)
Destination 2040 Vision and Goals

Prioritize Investments 2022-23
Building on the Needs Assessment, public outreach, and scenario planning, the MPO will decide how much money it will direct to each of its investment programs and in the approximately 30-year period covered by Destination 2050. The MPO will also select major projects to fund in upcoming years.
Allocate Funds 2023
The final Destination 2050 plan will summarize transportation needs and potential challenges, affirm vision and goals for the region, and fund projects and programs to achieve those goals. The MPO is scheduled to adopt Destination 2050 in 2023, and the plan will remain in effect until 2027.