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The MPO engages in a variety of efforts to improve bicyclists' and pedestrians' safety, comfort, and ease of travel throughout the Boston region. MPO staff support the Boston region's bicycle and pedestrian planning needs through ongoing data collection, analysis, and technical assistance. The products of these planning activities include:
Data Collection
The Boston Region MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Data Application
The MPO gathers data on bicycle and pedestrian volumes at locations throughout the Boston region and provides the travel counts online for public use.
- Register to conduct a bicycle and pedestrian count.
- 2024: Skyline Trail Crossing of Route 28 in the Blue Hills Reservation
- 2024: Parking in Bike Lanes: Strategies for Safety and Prevention
- 2024: Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Data Application Update
- 2023: Intersection Improvement Project
- 2021: Locations with High Bicycle and Pedestrian Crash Rates in the Boston Region
- 2019: Pedestrian Report Card Assessment (PRCA) Interactive Database
- 2018: Bicycle Level-of-Service Metric (Bicycle Report Card)
- 2018: The Safe Routes to School Program: Progress and Opportunities
- 2018: Bicycle Network Gaps – Feasibility Evaluation
- 2017: Pedestrian Report Card Assessment
- 2017: Fairmount Line Station Access Analysis
- 2015: Pedestrian Signal Phasing Study
- 2014: Bicycle Network Evaluation
- 2014: 2013 Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Collection
- 2012: Safe Access to Transit for Pedestrians and Bicyclists
Technical Assistance
Municipal officials can apply to the MPO’s Community Transportation Technical Assistance (CTTA) Program to receive technical advice about local transportation concerns related to safety, access, comfort, and livability for people walking and bicycling.
Jennifer Kaplan
Multimodal Planning and Design Manager