Public Engagement

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Public engagement is one of the core functions of an MPO. Continuous public engagement helps the MPO build and maintain relationships with stakeholders—including advocates, community leaders, and all members of the public—and bring new perspectives to the planning process. In all its planning work, the MPO strives to hear, value, and consider the needs and views of all people in the Boston region and incorporate their input in decision-making.

The MPO’s Public Engagement staff work in coordination with the Transportation Equity Program to ensure that populations that have been traditionally underserved by the transportation system and lacked access to the decision-making process have meaningful and accessible opportunities to participate in the planning process that shapes the Boston region’s transportation network.

The MPO is restructuring the Regional Transportation Advisory Council to implement best practices in advisory body memberships and structures, which includes broadening membership and increasing alignment with the Public Engagement Program and the MPO’s planning and decision-making processes.  MPO staff expect to solicit new members and launch a new advisory body in early 2025. In the meantime, the current Advisory Council leadership (Lenard Diggins, Chair, and Andy Reker, Vice Chair) will continue to represent the Advisory Council on the MPO board and committees. Please reach out to Stella Jordan, Public Engagement Program Manager ( or 857.702.3675) with any questions on this restructuring process or to learn about additional opportunities to participate in the MPO’s work prior to the launch of the new group.

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Program Evaluation

Starting in federal fiscal year (FFY) 2022, MPO staff began documenting the engagement activities conducted each year in order to assess the impacts of the Public Engagement Program’s efforts over time. Engagement data collected throughout the year are used to monitor and evaluate effectiveness, identify gaps in engagement, and develop strategies to address these gaps. Each year, staff present a memorandum documenting key metrics and goals to the MPO board.

FFY 2024 Engagement Evaluation Memo (PDF) (HTML)

Summary of FFY 2023 Public Engagement Activities (PDF) Summary of FFY 2023 Public Engagement Activities (HTML)
Summary of FFY 2022 Public Engagement Activities (PDF) Summary of FFY 2022 Public Engagement Activities (HTML)

Additionally, starting in FFY 2024, MPO staff began providing quarterly updates to the MPO board on topics and themes heard through engagement. The goal of these updates is to provide timely data to inform MPO planning decisions, particularly regarding the development of the Long-Range Transportation Plan. 

October 1, 2023—July 31, 2024 Engagement Update (presented to the MPO board September 19, 2024)

August 1, 2024—December 5, 2024 Engagement Update (presented to the MPO board January 16, 2025)

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State Transportation Building    
10 Park Plaza    
Suite 2150    
Boston, MA 02116