Traffic-calming in Hamilton and Ipswich

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Image excerpted from study showing aerial photography of one of the Swampscott intersections with one alternative set of proposed changes overlaidJuly 2024

This memorandum presents the analysis and findings of a transportation study focused on Goodhue Street and its intersections with Highland Street and Waldingfield Road in Hamilton and Ipswich. Funded by the Community Transportation Technical Assistance (CTTA) Program, this study was conducted in response to residents’ concerns about cut-through traffic, speeding vehicles, and visibility issues. The report offers both short-term and long-term recommendations, including traffic-calming measures, safety enhancements at key intersections, and geometry redesign suggestions for the intersection of Goodhue Street and Highland Street.

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Traffic-calming in Hamilton and Ipswich Memo (PDF) Traffic-calming in Hamilton and Ipswich Memo (HTML)